

Pre-takeoff checklist
Apr 20, 2011
Syracuse, NY
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I've had Foreflight for some time now, but I do not fly often and haven't used it much. I'm hoping this changes.

For you Foreflight experts this question goes to you. I use Foreflight on an iPad with WiFi only. Is this why I lose my sectional when I'm away from an access point? I was out the other day and I could see my starting and destination point with the route as I have a Bad Elf, but I could no longer see the sectional.

I don't know, you might have a software glitch, or, your Elf may indeed be bad.
Sounds exactly like you haven't actually downloaded the maps to your device. Since it doesn't have an active internet connection it's not able to load up the map to display. Go to the downloads section of the settings to pick which maps you wish to download for offline (i.e. flying) use.
No, the sectional should have been pre-downloaded into iPad memory and available offline... unless you were looking at one that you hadn't chosen to download.

If it wasn't a downloaded chart then, yes, the chart will disappear when offline and looking at a region for which no chart is in memory.
As was mentioned, it probably is due to the maps not being downloaded completely for the area you are in. I hope you are talking about the sectional map and not the street map. I believe the street map needs to have connectivity.
Download the chart for the area you're flying in.
This has happened to me. Make sure you download the map for your trip. In practice this meas opening up the sectional views for your area of intended operation (beyond- just in case) while you have a wifi connection. Be sure to "pack" for your trip (dowload plates, airport diagrams, notams, frequencies, telephone #s etc.).

After that you should be golden. Do the same for your return trip (use FBO wifi signal) to look at the sectional...again expand, move around the touch screen map because, you never know....

Hope this helps- Fly Safe!
I agree with above, download issue.
but just another thought: if you are using iPad1 (original iPad) they can be very, very slow with maps especially with the new FF versions.
When you have internet connectivity, maps and charts are downloaded as they are used, but they are not saved permanently on your iPad. To download them to your iPad so you can use them during flight, tap More>Downloads>United States then choose the types of charts you want saved on your iPad, then select the states that you wish to have them downloaded. After you have made your choices, go back one screen and tap Download.

You want to only download what you will need on your flight as the downloads can take a long time and chew up space, especially if you have an iPad with 16GB. You can choose the files using the method above or your can plan a flight and use the pack function to download everything you will need for the particular flight. The latter method is more efficient as you won't get out the airplane and find something missing and at the same time, only the needed charts are included. The pack method is activated by tapping the suitcase icon found at the bottom of the route planner dialog.
As was mentioned, it probably is due to the maps not being downloaded completely for the area you are in. I hope you are talking about the sectional map and not the street map. I believe the street map needs to have connectivity.

Good point.

The street and aerial and terrain maps all require live internet connections as they are not downloadable/resident in memory.
Is your subscription paid to date? If so you probably have a download problem.
The new Pack feature will avoid that problem if you plan your flight while still connected to wifi.

But better yet, just download the areas you regularly fly.
The new Pack feature will avoid that problem if you plan your flight while still connected to wifi.

But better yet, just download the areas you regularly fly.

good thing I read the entire thread before replying. I was going to say that.
I went to the download, United States and VFR was turned off. Not sure it that is it yet, but I turned it on. I just need to work with FF more.

Oddly enough, I'm an IT guy with lots of years. Oh well.
I went to the download, United States and VFR was turned off. Not sure it that is it yet, but I turned it on. I just need to work with FF more.

Oddly enough, I'm an IT guy with lots of years. Oh well.

Your grasp of the knowledge will for ever mature as you work on that.