Foreflight nearest airport

Brad schneider

Filing Flight Plan
Dec 16, 2018
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Does anyone know if there is a way to go “direct to”the nearest airport (listed on my lower information bar)? Other than typing in the airport information. It’s great to have that information available at a quick glance in an emergency , but it would be better if tap a button and that magic line appears.
Yes Garmin it the nearest button an touch it there
Two taps.
1. Tap on the airport on the map.
2. Tap the Direct key.

In an emergency, that will probably be after you have already turned toward it (although it might not even be suitable).
Yes Garmin it the nearest button an touch it there
It's early so I shouldn't be asking this yet,
but what does that mean?

I have asked FF in the past to make that a one-touch feature.
It's early so I shouldn't be asking this yet,
but what does that mean?

I have asked FF in the past to make that a one-touch feature.
It means someone who answers a question about a particular app by talking about something else, but with English as a second language…

…or hasn’t had coffee yet either.


I mean if we're giving completely unrelated answers to the question this morning....