ForeFlight Logbook - version 7.5 released

One thought of why we now have the logbook there and the way it's priced... it's a chance to captured some of the LogTenPro customers who got really unhappy with that product when they did a major update in 2014 and made many customers re-purchase subscriptions instead of commuting existing ones.

FF's new feature as shown in the video has some functional and visual simularities. To me, it looks appealing.

But like others have said, MyFlightBook covers much of this same ground already for free, though donating money to the developer is worth it.

One added line of questions.... how "legal" are the endorsements and the instructor signatures in the app? Can some aid in our education on this and provide the FAA document that governs this aspect of electronic logbooking?
Awesome. Guess that answers my question of what e-logbook to use.

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I've got a Pro subscription with SV. When I try to access the logbook feature now it tells me I need to buy the ProPlus before using it.

I figured out the same things. While the logbook feature looks great, I can't justify an extra $25/year over my DIY spreadsheet.

I also have the Pro + SV subscription that started in August. And I also saw that to add the logbook, I would need to purchase the ProPlus.

What I can add is that, when you go to do this on their website (go to and then log in using the same credentials for your mobile devices), the purchase/shopping cart system will give you a credit for the prorated "unused" part of your subscription.

So you won't be paying the full price for ProPlus (or BasicPlus) if you still have time left on the existing subscription.

I'm on the fence about the purchase. I wish there was a trial period (7 days?) to determine if it's worth the cost and time to switch over from MFB.
I have Pro USA, SV and W/B but no Logbook?

EDIT: Just checked the app store I was out of date got it now:no: EDIT: Gotta up grade from pro to pro plus :mad2:
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I've got a Pro subscription with SV. When I try to access the logbook feature now it tells me I need to buy the ProPlus before using it.

This just happened to me so I upgraded now I have 2 charges pending from I tunes for $211.99?? It said it was $199.99 and I figured I would get some kind of credit seeing as my Pro subscription is only about 6mos old.
This just happened to me so I upgraded now I have 2 charges pending from I tunes for $211.99?? It said it was $199.99 and I figured I would get some kind of credit seeing as my Pro subscription is only about 6mos old.

You should have gone through FF's website. They'd have given you credit plus wouldn't charge you tax. See if you can cancel with the app store....although Apple is a PITA about such things.
You should have gone through FF's website. They'd have given you credit plus wouldn't charge you tax. See if you can cancel with the app store....although Apple is a PITA about such things.

YUP, I just learned the hard way. Plus I lost out on my credit for 6mos worth of pro, SV:mad2::mad2:
YUP, I just learned the hard way. Plus I lost out on my credit for 6mos worth of pro, SV:mad2::mad2:

Reach out to FF via and explain what occured.

A few years ago, I sorta did the same thing when I upgraded from the basic to the Pro to get the new geo-ref'd plate feature. The service ticket was quickly routed to the right person who granted an appropriate extension of my subscription. So I got the "credit" as added time.

FF's service team are good folk.
Reach out to FF via and explain what occured.

A few years ago, I sorta did the same thing when I upgraded from the basic to the Pro to get the new geo-ref'd plate feature. The service ticket was quickly routed to the right person who granted an appropriate extension of my subscription. So I got the "credit" as added time.

FF's service team are good folk.

I sent an email out to them I'm shocked at how badly I was able to screw up something so simple :rofl:
I'm a big fan of ForeFlight, I use my Pro SV daily between work and play, I use the SV on maybe one flight out of 5, the georef plates overlaid on the sectional nearly every flight, the weight and balance every flight.

The log book is of no use to me

What would rock is if it had a good vnav and planning feature, the fuel burns and times on FF are about as useful as skyvector, I still have to switch back to FltPlan for getting realistic fuel and time numbers, easy to see iceing levels in planning, plus way better filing.
What would rock is if it had a good vnav

To clarify my brain, you're asking for a feature that would aid in where to start your descent from cruise based on the spot you want to return to level flight, the altitude, and the descent rate?
ForeFlight just asks your cruise speed, flat fuel burn per hour and burn during taxi. Here's what FltPlan asks.


Plus it will automatically recommend altitudes, once selected it will show a few altitudes above and below with winds, speeds, fuel burn and will show in blue if it's at or above the freezing level.
ForeFlight just asks your cruise speed, flat fuel burn per hour and burn during taxi. Here's what FltPlan asks.


Plus it will automatically recommend altitudes, once selected it will show a few altitudes above and below with winds, speeds, fuel burn and will show in blue if it's at or above the freezing level.
FltPlan will be more accurate as a result of having more data points to infer with.
I'd use the new log feature but I already have a solidly built digital log book and do not plan to retype it all (and it's free).... Took long enough the first time. Price is getting up there for what it is but it is my favorite efb and I I don't plan on switching unless it gets too ridiculous on price.
AFD is awesome. I was looking at the TAF today for my local field and saw that. Very nice addition! I like my paper logbook, so I'm not sure if I'll pay the extra for the foreflight one. I usually just take a picture of each page of my logbook and email it to myself:)
AFD is awesome. I was looking at the TAF today for my local field and saw that. Very nice addition! I like my paper logbook, so I'm not sure if I'll pay the extra for the foreflight one. I usually just take a picture of each page of my logbook and email it to myself:)

If you ever want to try a great free electronic logbook, check out MyFlightBook.
I love this feature and have zero issues for the total bundled price increase for the level of service and about of improvements that FF continually makes.

I am in the market for a new digital logbook and was VERY happy to see this option added...but here is the deal breaker for me....there no no way to export your logbook. Not that I think FF is going away any time soon or I plan on canceling my subscription, but the fact that I can not even save a backup or take my logbook with me should something unforeseen happen is VERY scary. Not going all in till they resolve this.

I will gladly pay $25/yr more for an integrated solution...but it has to be a viable solution.
Build your own plan is an option at the bottom of the pricing screen.

Lots of knee-jerk angry posts going on without everybody fully reading the pricing page ;)

I think I know why the knee-jerk reactions (including mine).
The Build Your Own plan is not very well visible (I believe it should be VERY visible to appease customers) and thus the only two options (Plus plans in huge font) appear to be available. This should be a quick fix. Marketing probably didn't think it through.
Import from common logbook export formats is simple and doesn't require ANY modification. I was able to import my exported MyFlightBook logs directly.
May I ask why? I can't see a good reason to leave MyFligthBook to be captured by a pay-for app. (Actually, I pay for the daily backup feature in MyFlightBook as a way of supporting Berman)
there no no way to export your logbook

I too think not having an export function, even via their web page is a big missing element.

The other missing element is more robust reporting. We have none in the the app, and the web page is extremely basic.

It is a decent start. And yes I spent the money to see what's there (more curious than anything). But more is needed before it becomes a replacement to MFB.
ForeFlight just asks your cruise speed, flat fuel burn per hour and burn during taxi. Here's what FltPlan asks.


Plus it will automatically recommend altitudes, once selected it will show a few altitudes above and below with winds, speeds, fuel burn and will show in blue if it's at or above the freezing level.

We only input three things for our FMS: avg winds aloft for climb, cruise and descent and it computes it from there quite accurately.

I've found FF parameters to be more than adequate for GA flight planning.
I'd have to look but I swore foreflight has entries for climb and descent fuel burns and speeds as well.
I am logging all of my flights now in Foreflight Logbook. I can already see it comes up short compaired to myflightbook. It does not show landings, cross country time etc. the web site says it can be printed out in their site but all I get is "unavailable due to beta". I paid, didn't know I was a beta user.
Ummm clarify what you mean it doesn't show landings, XC, and etcetera..... There are places on the form for all those and more.

If you mean what is available to be printed as a report, then I agree. What is available on the reporting side is not what we would expect from the FF team.
Yes, I do input them in each flight, it does not show total landings, it won't show me duel time etc. I tried to ring a report again but it keeps telling me it can't do it during the beta period. Did I just pay to be a beta tester? I emailed them, waiting to see what they say. As of now I think myflightbook is miles ahead.
I'd have to look but I swore foreflight has entries for climb and descent fuel burns and speeds as well.

Maybe, but nothing I've found that even comes close to fltplan, fuel burns and flight times are super accurate in fltplan, also easy and fast to pull up, departing. Arriving, it auto picks a altitude (8 out of 10 times is the ideal choice too) and boom, times, fuel burns, if you're into the freezing levels, done.

Frankly it's the only real shortcoming of foreflight and the only reason FF isn't my sole aviation app. Well minus my excel logbook in the cloud.
It's often advised not to carry a flight logbook when you fly so that you can tell an investigator, "sorry, I don't have it with me, it is at home."

So what will you do if your flight logbook is on ForeFlight on your iPad?
Next time I'll actually compare and see if it's accurate. I don't usually pay a lot of attention, being that most of my flights are short and I don't usually approach burning up much more than half of my fuel load.
It's often advised not to carry a flight logbook when you fly so that you can tell an investigator, "sorry, I don't have it with me, it is at home."

So what will you do if your flight logbook is on ForeFlight on your iPad?

I don't see your point. The logbook isn't a required document to have with you per the FARs.

Just don't let them look at your iPad if you're that worried about someone (gasp!) seeing your logbook.
We only input three things for our FMS: avg winds aloft for climb, cruise and descent and it computes it from there quite accurately.

I've found FF parameters to be more than adequate for GA flight planning.
Comparing your FMS to these is an unfair comparison.
Put a password on your iPad, done.
Electronic logbook for $25 a year? No dice. Paper is free, and the $25 buys 7 gallons of 100LL.

Sorry, FF. no $199 a year plan for me.
Put a password on your iPad, done.

So what will be your response to the investigator who wants to know if you are current and asks for your logbook?

I've got it here, but I won't show you?
Sorry, I forgot my password?
I need to save my battery?
As soon as I'm done playing Angry Birds?
Oops, I just dropped my iPad and broke the glass?
Wait till I'm done watching this porn flick on my iPad?
So what will be your response to the investigator who wants to know if you are current and asks for your logbook?

Same as with any digital log book..."I access it through my computer at home."

Not a lie and not volunteering more information than you need to.
Same as with any digital log book..."I access it through my computer at home."

Not a lie and not volunteering more information than you need to.
When he finds out later, do you really want an ASI mad at you?
The way I look at it my paper logbook is currently worth north of $15,000, $25.00 to back it up is a bargain I literally could not hand the money over fast enough.