[ForeFlight, GTN750] Crossing radials as part of your clearance

All rights to Garmin:

It's easy to create a user waypoint. Go to the user waypoint page, enter a name, cursor to and enter the VOR IDs, desired radials (and distance from the first VOR, if desired) and select CREATE and Enter. Still, it's a minute I won't get back, so I'd just fly the VORs.
If you do it in the app, when you tap in the search box, it tells you the acceptable formats for creating various waypoints based on courses and distances. For example, the KSMX ODP @clarkmueller mentioned a few posts ago is KSMX GLJ GLJ300/MQO137 MQO in ForeFlightease.

There's basically two different formats. Fix/Course From/Distance for a point in space. FixCourse From/FixCourse From for an intersection. Fix does not have to be a navaid and you don't need an R.
Thank you.
I tried it in the app and I was allowed to type in the fix.
However, the Web UI still has the same bug plus a new one.
1) I still won't allow me to type in the slash fix.
2) It does not show the slash fix properly if typed in from the app. (it stores the flp on their servers) It shows it as Lat/Lon instead.

I will report these bugs to FF.
Interesting tip for FF, thanks. I'll have to try it on the tablet when I get home.
I tried it in the web interface and failed. Jim, did you have to do anything special to get that routing to get accepted?....

No, I copied and pasted the given route into the FF web page route box and it plotted it correctly.
I tried this in garmin pilot and it took me out into the atlantic ocean. I think they may bugs in crossing radial logic