For the Motorcycle Riders Out There...

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Can you do this? :D

This took place in Las Vegas on New Year's Eve. Going up looked easy by comparison. The rest... :eek:
OK - flying GA is safer than motorcycling!

That is the craziest thing I've ever seen.

My thoughts, exactly! I took the Sportster out in early December; the annual last ride of the year - fill the gas tank for winter storage -- yada-yada. So just as I was approaching and rounding the shallow turn to STOP and enter U.S. Route #1 by the Dairy Queen the next thing I knew I was on my left side and the Harley was 25 feet ahead of me. The Christmas tree sales guys who were in the Dairy Queen(closed) lot came over to check me out. "They just put a light sanding job there about an hour ago," the guys said. I got up, we picked up the Sportster; that's what safety bars are for -- right? Just a slight scrub on the left safety bar, a minor scuff on the left saddle bag, and a 1/4" abrasion on my left ankle. Well, dayamm! That's the first time in 50 years of riding that I'd ever parted company with a bike.

I cranked her up, went for fuel and went home(wide awake, for sure).
But that guy in Vegas must be a touch tetched!

LOL He looks like he's looking down saying, "Holy ** did I just do that?"
do what? what is missing?
That's been making the rounds on the motorcycle boards for the last few days.
I keep wondering what his thought was prior to touchdown. "Oh #$#% I'm going off the other side!" His face probably looked something like this: :yikes:
He probably had to put his head down on the handlebars after coming to a stop in order to deal with his body screaming at his brain for being such a complete total screaming bonkers fruitcake idiot.

Can I do that? Yea right. Twisties and slow school skills and high levels of proficiency, no problem. That however is way WAY seriously out of my league and it's going to stay out of my league too.

P.S. The Dakar 2009 race is underway.
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The jump was OK...I want to know the name of the blonde! :D
BTW....not trying to take away his amazingly stupid, ballsy accomplishment, but I think Evel Knieval's statement still stands. Do that jump horizontal in distance, I just do not think it can be done.
BTW....not trying to take away his amazingly stupid, ballsy accomplishment, but I think Evel Knieval's statement still stands. Do that jump horizontal in distance, I just do not think it can be done.

That tower is something like 120ft high.
Maddison jumped a football field. 322ft horizontally.

IMO, Evil Krasher, um, Knieval, would have been bug squish at the bottom of that drop.
Knieval was using standard street bikes in his day. Technology has moved on, allowing even more spectacular bone-headed stunts. And I'll still outride any of them on the track or in the twisties, where it counts.
Knieval was using standard street bikes in his day. Technology has moved on, allowing even more spectacular bone-headed stunts. And I'll still outride any of them on the track or in the twisties, where it counts.

I'd say what they do counts. How much money have you made in the twisties?
I'd say what they do counts. How much money have you made in the twisties?

Money is not and never has been a valid measurement of skill level.

And I'll still outride any of them on the track or in the twisties, where it counts.

Yep. There's kind of a sadistic satisfaction in taking my little ancient CB650 into the twisties and handing high performance crotch rocket riders their a$$. :rofl: Sure they can twist a throttle but more times than not that's typically where their skills end.
Money is not and never has been a valid measurement of skill level.
There is some definite skill involved in jumps like that. As someone who can't jump a damn thing and could probably whoop them in the twisities--I can say that their work requires skill and "counts".
Yep. There's kind of a sadistic satisfaction in taking my little ancient CB650 into the twisties and handing high performance crotch rocket riders their a$$. :rofl: Sure they can twist a throttle but more times than not that's typically where their skills end.
Sure. It is fun to hand someone their ass when they have way better equipment. That said, get a rider that knows how to run their crotch rocket, and they would leave a CB650 behind in seconds.

I've ridden a lot of the older stuff and I've ridden a lot of the newer stuff. The capability just doesn't compare. The modern bikes really are amazing compared to the stuff that was around in the 70s/80s/early 90s.
I think all you hotshots are vastly underrating these guys abilities in the twisties... in fact, I think you're underrating their motorcycling abilities, period. You might be surprised.
Possibly, since that is their end-all. But most of the stunters I've seen and rode with really couldn't ride very well. Oh, they were far better at the stunts than I'll ever be (I don't do wheelies, ever) but when it came to things like emergency stops or tucking into a tight turn, that's just not where they were at. I figured these jump daredevils were just stunters on steroids, but I could be wrong.
As I see it there's a few generic skill level groups out there:
Squids who can go in a straight line and down the road on one wheel. Put them in a turn or doing slow skill stuff and emergency stops and they're done. Q.E.D. They generally have very little knowledge of how the machine truly operates beyond throttle and basic braking/turning skills.
Proficient riders who can handle real world riding conditions. They generally take riding seriously and understand how the machine operates and what's really important. Give them a scooter and they can trash a liter crotch rocket squid in the twisties.
Dirt riders who basically have a better understanding of motorcycle dynamics than most. It's the generic powered pilot who pushes through stuff vs glider pilot who understands maximum capability of their aircraft type comparison.
Then you start getting into the elite riders such as superman who leaps over tall buildings and Dakar riders. One simply doesn't reach that level without knowing what the heck one is doing in great detail. Mr Darwin is picky about who does that kind of thing and gets away with it.

Put a squid against me in the twisties and, well, just mount a video camera on the back of my motorcycle next summer and I'll show you what happens to the wheelie popper squid behind me the instant we get into turns. Put a Dakar rider against me on the same road and I'll just watch him disappear around the corners ahead of me like I was on training wheels and stopped.