For Sale Forum?


Pattern Altitude
Mar 3, 2005
San Jose, CA
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Hey all. First, thanks for the great site. :)

Have you thought about having a for sale/swap forum? After reading through the 'Got Bosed' post, maybe people are interested in selling their gear as they upgrade.
It's something we've considered - we should put it back on the front burners to re-consider now that we've been around a while. We initially didn't pursue it becaue we were just getting started...
I just sold a garmin 196 and a david clark headset on ebay...if we had a section they would have been put up on PoA first.

Chuck - Would a for sale garmin thread end up on a search engine that might bring more people to the site...not sure how search engines work.
I like the idea, look at all of us selling or looking for planes, not to mention all our other stuff.
hmm, I'm for it! I have a Garmin 296, and a 295! :)

Commissions to POA?
What I'd really like is a more dedicated classified ads system - and I'll look into that *after* the vBulletin 3.5 upgrade. (No software changes here until then.)

Until then, I don't see any reason not to go ahead and set up a Buy/Sell/Trade forum...
One of the issues is whether there is critical mass. That is, are there enough users and will there be enough repeat users to justify the time and effort that would have to go into it.

I think it would be a good addition, as I have some stuff I'd like to send to a new home myself. Don't really care about the money so much as it would be a shame to just throw away perfectly good -- and in some cases brand new -- gear. So it sits in my garage ...

Of course, if this works, it was Chip's idea.
Well - I've added the new forum - THe Classifieds - which costs us nothing and requires no maintenance more than keeping an eye on the listings.

Any full fledged system for buying and selling, however, I agree - we'd need a much larger user base to really merit it - there are plenty of other sites out there for this sort of activity. :)