Has anyone in the history of aviation ever argued otherwise? At which point in the history of US aviation have private pilots been allowed to advertise flights and essentially sell tickets to the paying public?
Do you know any pilots you wouldn't go flying with? Anyone whose plane you don't trust? I do -- not many but a couple come to mind. I wouldn't recommend that anyone fly with those folks. Many, if not most, private pilots are good, careful, thoughtful and try hard to bring good judgment to their flights. But not all private pilots fit that description and not all planes are well maintained.
I remember the time I saw a pilot park his car in the lot, go out to his plane, unlock it, get in, taxi and takeoff. No preflight, no runup, no nothing. Evidently, he felt that was an appropriate procedure. The current rules make it difficult for him to take members of the public on flights and one presumes that his family and circle of friends and associates are able to make judgments about his judgment based on their knowledge of him. But an unsuspecting mom who showed up for a two-hour flight to NJ wouldn't have any way of knowing that this guy might be skipping a few steps that many of us would consider important.
Is it only the safety standards that limit your behavior that you dislike? Or should we eliminate speed limits, building codes, food safety standards, fire codes and all other similar sets of regulations that have been implemented in order to protect the safety of the public?