Flying WIld Alaska returns....

Quit watching this crap! Get out and fly!


The "reality" here is that they operate under the same rules as any other carrier. Conditions in Alaska are harsh at times, no doubt, but flying is flying. The only action I enjoyed when I watched the show was the off airport stuff in the 180. That is masterful work.
I also liked how Pontz couldn't land to deliver medicine to that woman, yet they had a camera there to get footage of her. Obviously, someone was able to make it there.

It can be shot later via re-enactments or could have been shot by folks who were staying in the village to get other footage or background on a different storyline prior to the medical need arising.

(Haven't seen it yet. Just sayin'...)

The other storyline could have ended up on the "cutting room floor" easily, too.

At the end of the day the Producers are trying to tell a story and will go fill in anything needed to make the storyline make sense.

The trick up their sleeve is that it doesn't have to be shot in the order it actually occurred.

It often leads to what the industry calls "continuity errors" like people's clothes changing mid-scene or the weather or time of day changing drastically. I enjoy watching for those.

Who doesn't remember "Maverick" saying "Banking left, banking left", and watching the Tomcat in the footage do a knife edge right bank away from the camera in the next outside shot? ;)

I did a presentation to a film class about all the editing and continuity errors in the flying scenes in Top Gun once long ago. It's riddled like swiss cheese with such errors. If you're the type to notice them, they're almost as fun as just watching the movie.

There are websites dedicated to pointing all of them out in movies these days. If you enjoy "losing yourself" in the movies, I don't recommend looking up your favorite movie. It'll ruin it. If you enjoy seeing how the mistakes happen while they're "making the sausage", Google for "movie continuity errors" sometime.

It can be addictive to go see a movie, see how many of them you see, and then look hpthe movie when you get home to see which ones you missed.
The good news for all you curmudgeons is that flying airplane Alaska shows are undoubtedly a cable fad, and will probably not last long.

Me, I watch old WWII airplane movies with toy airplanes and wires. The TV shows are a big step up, and they fly the same kinda things I do. Sorry, I love them and will watch them as long as I am able.
I also liked how Pontz couldn't land to deliver medicine to that woman, yet they had a camera there to get footage of her. Obviously, someone was able to make it there.

from what I remember seeing - looks like she filmed herself.
Air dropped cameras with instructions? Sounds plausible. But they are a bit loose with reality, for a reality show.

Well, it looked like a combination of footage she took herself (and either uploaded somehow or delivered months later to the producers), and stock footage from previous visits to her camp by the show. It was a little weird, but whatever. You can't take the show too seriously but I sure enjoy watching it.
I got the impression from this thread that Discovery had released Season 3 episodes to iTMS, but I don't see any of them there yet.
Season 2 is on iTunes. Season 3 just started on June 2nd or 9th.
The ditz part is an act.

That became clear to me in the episode where she was tasked with running the home office while her parents were away. She did fine.
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He's too savvy a business person methinks. All he has to do is say, "never ever show X, Y, or Z ever again on the show, and I get first right of refusal on all footage".

I doubt he'd kill the cash cow. He'd just milk it differently.

We'll see if the footage becomes significantly more benign this season....

Perhaps a response to an FAA inquiry might be "You are aware, aren't you, that 'reality' shows aren't real?"
As for the caravan landing...

at first I was thinking "no way" but then I remember.. they have beta right?
Season 2 is on iTunes. Season 3 just started on June 2nd or 9th.

Yes. I was under the impression that Discovery would be releasing episodes to iTMS within a week of airing, but don't see Episode 1, Season 3 or the usual "Purchase Season" links that usually go up BEFORE the on-air episodes start.

It'll eventually show up...
Any thoughts on that 500 ft. landing in recent episode? Seems like a stretch to me.

Seems reasonable if they had decent wind conditions. My shortest Alaska landing (not counting a helo) was a measured 1983 feet, I thought that was not too shabby. A stiff headwind helped.
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Any thoughts on that 500 ft. landing in recent episode? Seems like a stretch to me.
I thought they said the airplane was stuck at the mid-point of the runway. A/FD says rwy 1/19 at PAWN (Noatak) is 4,000 x 60 (elevation 88). An obstacle at the mid-point of that would give them closer to 2,000 ft to play with.

Now maybe ice and snow reduced the available landing area. But would the disabled airplane, a Navajo, have been using a runway with only 1,000' available to start with?


This is not to diminish the obvious good flying on the part of the Caravan pilot; I just question the numbers given in the narrative.
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How many episodes per season? Netflix streaming still says 10 episodes, but maybe that is Season One and Season Two? How many FWA Seasons are there, and when will Netflix catch up? I also notice they are years behind on Mythbusters (ony 80 episodes on Netflix).
Not only do they have a beta position (which is neutral, no forward or reverse thrust) on the prop but, they have reverse thrust which actually will help the stopping distance.
How many episodes per season? Netflix streaming still says 10 episodes, but maybe that is Season One and Season Two? How many FWA Seasons are there, and when will Netflix catch up? I also notice they are years behind on Mythbusters (ony 80 episodes on Netflix).
Season 2 has 13 episodes. Season 3 just started not sure when that will be available for streaming.
Season 2 has 13 episodes. Season 3 just started not sure when that will be available for streaming.

Did Season One only have 10 episodes? If yes, they are still only showing Season One. My hope is they will update soon. I did not see any "old" ones in my BF's DVR (not too many anyhow). I thought they would do a marathon to get everyone caught up but perhaps they aren't doing that.