Flying through the US ADIZ


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 8, 2015
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I have a question about ADIZ procedures that I hope someone can help me with. I am trying to get clarification on the regulation through a scenario, more than addressing the convenience of the proposed route or its safety.

The scenario

Let's assume a pilot wants to fly VFR from KAPF to KEYW direct in a C172. She requests flight following to Naples clearance delivery frequency and, after getting a squawk code, departs Naples southbound planning to be in contact with ATC until she lands in Key West. She is now 20 nm S of KAPF, about to penetrate the US ADIZ, while in contact with Miami Center, but with no DVFR or any type of flight plan on file.

Some background information about what the regulations say

1) 14 CFR 99.11 states that "no person may operate an aircraft into, within, or from a departure point within an ADIZ, unless the person files, activates, and closes a flight plan with the appropriate aeronautical facility, or is otherwise authorized by air traffic control."

2) Also, 14 CFR 99.9 states that "no person may operate an aircraft into, within, or whose departure point is within an ADIZ unless [t]he person files a DVFR flight plan containing the time and point of ADIZ penetration."

3) There are also other requirements such as to maintain two-radio communication (99.9) and a radar transponder (99.13) that the aircraft has to comply with.

4) In 14 CFR 99.1 we learn that there are some exemptions to the above requirements, one of which could apply to our scenario. "An FAA ATC center may exempt the following operations from this subpart (except§ 99.7) on a local basis only, with the concurrence of the U.S. military commanders concerned, or pursuant to an agreement with a U.S. Federal security or intelligence agency: (1) Aircraft operations that are conducted wholly within the boundaries of an ADIZ and are not currently significant to the air defense system."

The main question

Can she proceed and fly her planned route through the ADIZ without filing a DVFR flight plan?

Two follow-up questions

A. Is the described flight from KAPF to KEYW direct exempted from some or all of the ADIZ requirements in the grounds of 14 CFR 99.1(c)(1) quoted in (3) above? If so, where would we find the document supporting such exemption, that is, the agreement between Miami ARTCC and the appropriate military command to wave the requirements for the PIC stated in 14 CFR 99?

B. Both 14 CFR 99.9 and 99.11 seem to require for any aircraft crossing the ADIZ to file a DVFR flight plan. However, 99.11 seems to open another possibility alternative to filing, opening and closing a flight plan, when it states "or is otherwise authorized by air traffic control", whereas 99.9 (which mostly talks about radio requirements) does not seem to allow for that. What is the correct interpretation and why?

I am very grateful for your comments, insights, and opinions.

Thank you!
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If you get clearance with Flight Following I dont see why not.

You can get clearance for a VIP TFR if you contact FF, so I'd assume its the same.

But I could be wrong, and If I am.... I'd suppose FF would let me know it.
Just got back from key west, I depart from KFMY on last leg of our trip from Texas, but I stay out of the ADIZ I did homestead then got to key west. How far you want to be in a single over water? Have a raft? If you are in flight following all you do is report any deviations, why not just file ifr? You can get clearance before leaving Naples usually takes about 10/15 min.
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Why not just get VFR flight following and not enter the ADIZ. VFR and DVFR flight plans don't require contact with ATC, so if you're on flight-following with a code under radar, you're probably OK, but still there is no harm in filing the DVFR plan in either case. If you have the rating, the best solution is just to file IFR.
Fly V225.

I have flown the route IFR, VFR and altitudes from 4500 to 17K.

I do not recall flying it without FF or on IFR though...
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If you get clearance with Flight Following I dont see why not.

You can get clearance for a VIP TFR if you contact FF, so I'd assume its the same.

But I could be wrong, and If I am.... I'd suppose FF would let me know it.

This seems to me to be a surprisingly little known fact. I've departed from an airport with a VIP TFR over it. Was assigned a transponder code and was the last plane to depart prior to air force 2 departing.

Seemed like nice guys on the radio
I've flown fmy-eyw before on flight following and it is no issue. You can fly direct as long as flight following is provided.

Next people will tell you not to fly direct, but the water route is probably safer than the everglades.
Thanks, everyone, for sharing your thoughts.
I've flown fmy-eyw before on flight following and it is no issue. You can fly direct as long as flight following is provided.

Next people will tell you not to fly direct, but the water route is probably safer than the everglades.

That's a coin toss. Over 80 miles of shark infested waters. or over the everglades, filled with gators, snakes.

The few times I did it, I was a new pilot and did the everglades from fmy. Now with some hours under my belt, I would go the water route. The everglades are a lot scarier when you think about it.
I recently contacted the ATM System Operations Security Group of the FAA Air Traffic Organization regarding the posted questions, and they provided guidance on the issues I asked, clarifying that there is no agreement between ATC and any military agency to support any exemption to the ADIZ requirements (answering follow-up question A).

However, and as noted in #1 of my original post, they pointed out that 14 CFR 99.11 states that if authorized by ATC, you may cross the ADIZ without DVFR flight plan, which is what usually happens when flying with flight following from Naples to Key West (answering the main question).

There was no explanation for the apparent disagreement between 99.9 and 99.11 (follow-up question B), but, under this new light, I believe that since 99.9 talks about radio communications and assumes a flight plan has been filed, it shouldn't be construed as contradicting 99.11.

Once again, thank you, everyone, for sharing your opinions and providing help.
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