Flying snacks

I don't snack to begin with, and I don't eat in the plane. Or in the car.
I take a bottle of water on just about all flights, usually no snacks for under 2 hours. If it's longer than 2 hours, I will throw in a granola bar of some kind, usually the kind in the FBO vending machine or maybe a small bag of trail mix, from the same machine. I seldom fly over 3 hours without a stop, being blessed with a small bladder will keep you from making 5 hour cross countries! :mad2:
I have packed sandwiches for all day trips or if we will be flying during lunch, usually I normally stop every 3 hours to use the restroom and let everyone stretch their legs a bit. :D
Coke weighs like nothing.

Sure doesn't feel like nothing when it's packed in your body cavity. F U, Pablo! <ehem> What were we talking about?

Oh yeah...

Protein bars (I like the Special K meal bars)
Fruit mostly for the kids
Gum - kids
Peanuts in the shell. Throw the shells out the window. Probably not PC. F it. Makes a big mess in the cockpit.

Why does one need to snack while flying? You're just sitting there sedentary for hours on end. It's not like you're burning any calories.
Why does one need to snack while flying? You're just sitting there sedentary for hours on end. It's not like you're burning any calories.

I don't eat before I fly for a number of reasons. So, the growling stomach gets distracting and affects my flying. A little snackage puts that at bay.

FYI an average person burns 1200-1500 calories day doing absolutely nothing. So, yes you are burning calories. Your brain uses them, your heart, your lungs...but I guess you don't need any of those when flying.
I also sometimes pack dog food and treats since I'm almost always bringing my dog along. In fact, I'm about to start packing up for a return from teterboro to Columbus this afternoon which is why I just remembered the dog stuff.
So that's where you were headed as I was landing Friday night? :)
FYI an average person burns 1200-1500 calories day doing absolutely nothing. So, yes you are burning calories. Your brain uses them, your heart, your lungs...but I guess you don't need any of those when flying.

That's what breakfast/lunch/dinner are for.
I try to keep my body on schedule when flying all day. Eat breakfast and at noon we stop and eat some of the excellent food I bring along. At 5:30 or so, ditto.

It really frees you up when you take along your own food. We had a fun and leisurely trip up to OSH. We stayed well fed, took our time, and had good picnics at a couple of FBO's that didn't have squat.

That's the beauty of taking your own food. You can land anywhere and not have to do the courtesy car dance and fumble around looking at your navigator hoping the place you're going to is open and hoping it has decent food that doesn't give you ptomaine.
What part of "I don't eat before I fly" was difficult in processing?

Good for you, but what about all the other folk that eat a meal and then snack after a couple hours of being sedentary?
What part of "I don't eat before I fly" was difficult in processing?

I don't either, usually the nervous energy before a flight kills my appetite anyway. I don't allow anything in the cockpit that makes crumbs or sticks to anything, and no liquids more opaque than distilled water.
That's what breakfast/lunch/dinner are for.

Yes. And they aren't always viable options at one end of a trip or the other.

Good for you, but what about all the other folk that eat a meal and then snack after a couple hours of being sedentary?

What about them? Or me?

This thread is about snacks that work well when flying small planes.
I second Cliff bars; no mess, decent balance carbs, fat, protein, though a bit heavy on the sugar. Used to fly "patrols" down low; slow, hot and humid. From 4 - 6 hours. Three waters, Cliff bar about hakf way through. Saved a water for AFTER eating the bar.
Why does one need to snack while flying? You're just sitting there sedentary for hours on end. It's not like you're burning any calories.

Because I get hungry. String cheese and sammiches here