Flying Motorcycles - Now Your Talking

Here's a link to the manufacturer's page on the product:

They say that they will only sell 20 for recreation, with the rest dedicated to military and government. Those 20 units will be divided between two versions: ultralight and experimental, which they will let you build at their facility. If you buy one, their CEO will interview you on their YouTube channel when you take delivery. That's worth the price of admission, right there.
Flying motorcycle.?? It's been done....

Police will love this new toy.

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What about that thing makes it a motorcycle? The fact that the CG rider was wearing a motorcycle race suit? It hasn't got any wheels, its a nullicycle. The PAlV is an actual flying motorcycle (three wheeler actually) that you can buy right now.
They show it flying low over a congested area. What are the regulatory issues with piloting/flying it?
They show it flying low over a congested area. What are the regulatory issues with piloting/flying it?
They. show an imaginary CG vehicle with an imaginary CG rider flying over an imaginary CG metropolis. I suppose the imaginary CG FAA might have a problem with it.
The rider position makes it look like a humping machine.
If these ever get made someone will crash the light sport version and then they'll get banned.
What’s the power source… and what happens if it fails…. Inquiring minds want to know.