Sure, I agree with that and wrote as much a few posts up. But that is a clearance to a specified position -- not the same thing as 2P2 or some airport without a charted radial/DME position.
In contrast, under radio aids to navigation, 76G is at ECK 177 radial, 32.5 DME. So I wouldn't be at all surprised to get a clearance to 76G "via direct ECK, 177 radial direct" or similar if I was /A.
And I've done stuff like the above when VFR... but since airnav isn't official data, I wonder if "direct ESC direct" or "direct ESC, direct via the 161 radial" is a legitimate clearance with 2P2 as the clearance limit.
ATC, not us, determines if a clearance can be issued. By the way, if you claim that a "
legitimate clearance" exists then by definition an "illegitimate" one must exist also.
Neither exist in my opinion. ATC/FAA issues clearance (permission) to play in the IFR system.
You either get a clearance or you don't. They will not issue an illegal clearance, 99% of time. We still need to monitor the monitors and work together as professionals, ATC recently cleared a freight crew down below MEA or MSA (can't remember) in Alaska and they hit terra firma. But in most cases, they do a good job.
what I am trying to say, is 2P2 is your filed destination. Use your charts/etc to best determine location of 2P2, and file that.
If in doubt, file via telephone and ask them. "Hello Mr Briefer, yeah I am trying to go to 2P2, IFR, from XXXX. Can you help me out? Is it 160 or 161 radial, just wanted to ask". Go with what the briefer says ! Put it on him. Then verbally file it.
Still not sure how we ever flew before RNAV, GPS, Foreflight, fltplan dot com, etc. God forbid I ever dodged weather with my eyeballs in a Navajo single pilot night 135 before XM down linked radar. Or turned the ADF audio on to make sure the marker was active on the approach. Wow
by the way, you COULD file fltplan dot com 1000 feet, DIRECT, and when ATC gives you the clearance, they will give you the proper "legitimate" / "legal" route/altitudes themselves !!!! "Cherokee 123, yeah uh your filed route and altitude is not gonna work, advise when ready to copy a revised routing"