Flying a DME arc with a Garmin G5 HSI

You all have made some really good points. I guess I have two major take-aways from this discussion. 1) It’s probably never going to happen so why put so much effort into that kind of contingency. Vectors would be more likely in the event of a failure. And I could always ask for a vector if not given one. Problem solved. 2) You guys have caused me to give a hard look at bearing pointers if for nothing else but for better SA. I didn't even have them enabled on my G5 until this weekend. I went and flew a DME arc with both the GPS and the VLOC pointers enabled and what a difference. The controller cleared me direct to the IAF. When I enable the approach it wanted to intercept the leg leading to the IAF. Since the next waypoint was the IAF I just put the AP into heading mode and set the heading bug to center the bearing pointer and that took me directly there. I know I could have gone to the 430 and hit the direct button and have it take me there too. But at this point I was experimenting with my new toy. And thanks to you guys I’ve realized more options with it. With the G5/430/Century II combo I feel like I’m cheating on these approaches!

Imagine doing it with the G3x/650/GFC500 combo.

Hmm, I have an Angel Flight from SBP coming up - perhaps I should go shoot the arc into PRB...nah :p