Flyin Camping?

Shane Kirby

Filing Flight Plan
Apr 20, 2019
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Where are some good places to flyin and camp? Doesn’t have to be to backwoods, just looking for something cool to do with my 7 year old son. I fly a 1958 c-172 and based in NC KHKY but 3 to 4 hour flight one way no problem.

Thanks for any help provided.
On Hatteras Island, HSE has a NPS campground in walking distance from the airport.
I know you said you're in NC, but for those in Texas, I have a Facebook page called Texas Fly-Ins, where I keep a pretty good list of fly-ins. If the weather holds out, we'll be at Critter's Lodge this weekend. This is one fly-in where I go to relax, hang out with old friends, drink under the wing at night, and get away from everything. It's hard to get a good cell phone signal out there and that's how I like it.
Our favorite backcountry in Colorado shut down. We think the reason is insurance on the premises....a fantastic lodge, 3 cabins and plenty of camping space as well as the improved dirt strip. Lots of us used to go over and clean/roll the runway, even donated a windsock. Not much that I can find in Colorado. Quite a bit in NM and AZ.