This morning, when I left my house, a large envelope from FedEx was laying on my walkway. It was the POH & Equipment list from Piper Aircraft. OK, another hurdle crossed off.
I was on my way to the hospital to go through a battery of pulmonary tests that the FAA has asked for again. I was worried about that one because I know that the FAA will be comparing it to my previous one a couple of years ago. I haven't had the official doctors report, but the pulmonary technician had all my original results. I did better, not a lot, but better on every test. This was probably my biggest concern about getting a new medical.
Today, I crossed two hurdles. Now I have the eye tests, EKG, and oximeter left to go. I am not worried about those at all. My BP is at the low end of normal, my eye sight is excellent, and I have my own oximeter, that always gives me a good reading.
Today was a good day in my never ending quest for a pilots license. It has either turned into a vendetta or a hobby, I haven't figured out which yet.