Old Geek
Pattern Altitude
Do I have to report it?
Did you get it from a health professional? If so, you'll have to report the visit including the reason. If you gave it to yourself from a RiteAid DIY Flu Shot Kit, then no, you don't.Do I have to report it?
Did you get it from a health professional? If so, you'll have to report the visit including the reason. If you gave it to yourself from a RiteAid DIY Flu Shot Kit, then no, you don't.
I report them since I get them from nurses.
I'm pretty sure the "lady giving the shot" was a "health professional" as the FAA defines that term in the instructions on the 8500-8, so make sure you make a record of that event and have her name to put down on the next medical application.Walk-in free shots at Kaiser. The lady giving the shot was quite professional about it. I could hardly feel it.
Well, if you want to omit a visit to a health professional within the preceding three years on your next medical application, you go right ahead. But do so knowing that you are lying on that application and if the FAA finds out, you can lose all your FAA certificates.Report them to who?
If you guys say the FAA on your next medical I am gonna hunt you down and slap some sense into you, and drink your beer.
Well, if you want to omit a visit to a health professional within the preceding three years on your next medical application, you go right ahead. But do so knowing that you are lying on that application and if the FAA finds out, you can lose all your FAA certificates.
You would also be most unwise to try to drink my beer.
Well, it is a reportable surgical procedure. But having read your posts in the past, I am well aware that you consider the FAR's advisory at best.Oh crap... I got by balls clipped.
I better hurry and call the FAA and tell them I am now shooting blanks.
I'm guessing you've been drinking too much of someone else's beer. Come back in the morning.Crowne?
You guys cannot be serious reporting you got a flu shot on your FAA medical application. If they ever attempted to pull my certs for a flu shot I got at Walmart I would have all of them fired quicker that you could spit.
Well, it is a reportable surgical procedure. But having read your posts in the past, I am well aware that you consider the FAR's advisory at best.
Well, if you want to omit a visit to a health professional within the preceding three years on your next medical application, you go right ahead. But do so knowing that you are lying on that application and if the FAA finds out, you can lose all your FAA certificates.
You would also be most unwise to try to drink my beer.
Here's my question:
If you go into a pharmacy for a flu shot, do you carefully examine the credentials of whomever shows up with the syringe in order to properly report the event to the FAA, or just assume they know what they're doing and roll up your sleeve like you've done a hundred times before?
If you're taking that advice from your medical examiner, then you don't follow the rules. The rules are clear -- every visit to a health professional must be reported with only the specific exceptions noted in the instructions. Your medical examiner is setting you up for a fall and you are not very prudent if you accept verbal advice from someone with no authority to change the rules over written FAA instructions.I follow the rules. I am current on everything as a pilot. I am not a a_ _ kisser though. Sounds like you are. My medical examiner even told me not to write stuff down unless its major. Like heart problems. People don't write down when they go to the clinic for a sore throat. Maybe you do? I don't know?
Easy for them to say, but they are not the FAA, and visits for immunizations are not among the exclusions in the instructions on block 19 on the current ("GG") version of FAA Form 8500-8.A few moments of research would have shown that your assertion is without solid foundation, as this document claims immunizations are not reportable:
I'm not a medical practitioner, but I believe records must be kept on who gets vaccination so if there are batch issues they can find the recipient.There is also the simple issue that there may be no written patient records for flu shots.
That's fantasy, but personally, I think the biggest issue would be that they'd start digging to see what else you had failed to mention, and that's a dark hole into which you don't want to fall.Lastly, if the FAA did try to go after pilot certificates for failures to report flu shots, they'd simply be digging their own political grave. The rest of the medical establishment would hopefully skewer them.
I wouldn't remember it long enough to write it down, let alone long enough to report it. I don't know how many flu shots, shingles shots, international travel shots and other such inoculations I've received since 1957, but have a pretty good idea how many have ever made it to any FAA form. If questioned, my answer would start with YGBSM.
That's straight out of the instructions for the 8500-8, but a vaccination is not listed as a "routine physical examination."I just went through this with Dr.B. Routine visits for physicals do not need to be reported and multiple visits to the same doctor for same treatment or cause can be be grouped.
That's straight out of the instructions for the 8500-8, but a vaccination is not listed as a "routine physical examination."
Y'all do what you want. The rules are clear. Violate them at your own risk.
That's straight out of the instructions for the 8500-8, but a vaccination is not listed as a "routine physical examination."
Y'all do what you want. The rules are clear. Violate them at your own risk.
The FAA is more concerned with the underlying conditions that you may have, not if you are healthy.
That's fantasy, but personally, I think the biggest issue would be that they'd start digging to see what else you had failed to mention, and that's a dark hole into which you don't want to fall.
That came out funny! LOL.
Form 8500-8 is not a regulation. It never has been. It may have been written in an attempt to satisfy regulations, but you are making the mistake of thinking it is regulatory and must be literally satisfied.
You need to produce the regulation(s) outside form 8500-8 that supports the information demands it makes of pilots.
This is a Aeromedical Certification Division.....yawner......yawner......such a tempest in a teapot.
My last sentence was written too fast and is unclear even to me. Second try: Find the statutes or regulations that require pilots to answer each of the form 8500-8 questions.
I CANNOT imagine an aeromedical problem that would relate to a flu shot, other than about a 1:12,000,000 chance of some Guillian Barre. An if you got that, it would appear under "Neurologist visit" or "Hospitalization".Glad to see you back, Bruce.
What do you think? Report a flu shot (assuming no ill reactions) or not?
That one's easy as pie.
An applicant for first-, second- and third-class medical certification must:
(a) Apply on a form and in a manner prescribed by the Administrator;
Yer silly, Jim.Nice find - thank you. Do you think the form becomes an extension of the regulations subject to the NPRM process? Consider if it isn't subject; what prevents the administrator from adding all sorts of "health related" questions, such as:
sexual preference, how many calories you have consumed in the last 30 days, how often and in what manner you exercise, the time and dates of the last 5 headaches you've had, and how often you floss.