Flight Reviews While Traveling (Orlando)

Eric Mac

Filing Flight Plan
Nov 14, 2020
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Eric Mac
An unexpected business trip has taken me to Florida through the end of the month, when my FR expires. I've got a small plane trip scheduled when I return home, without much time to do the FR then.

I've never tried to get a flight review away from home before. Is this commonly possible through flight schools or clubs? I called a couple randomly but they either required renter's insurance (which I don't have) even for dual instruction or signing up for a multi month membership.

Am I asking for the wrong way or is this just that uncommon? Next week I'll be in the Orlando area (near the Disney TFR) - any recommendations are welcome. I mostly fly the bigger Cessna piston singles, but am open to learning something new too.

I do have my certificate, headset etc with me but not my logbook - I assume I could get a sticker or something?
Renter's insurance is quick/easy/cheap to get. If you needed to get it, you could then drop the insurance shortly after... minimize the cost even more (although it's pretty cheap).
It's very common to get a aircraft checkout and flight review in one event. Flight schools/FBOs are all over the board with rules/requirements membership, etc. so you just have to call and ask. I think you'd have better luck with smaller flight school aircraft rental operation than flying clubs (which may require joining, or even buying in equity) or pilot mills (that focus purely on flight training and committing time and money to getting ratings).
If you have owner insurance you may be covered for the flight review if your airplane is not available.
Try First Landings in Apopka.

Yes, you can get a logbook sticker for the BFR. I did it that way for my most recent one.
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It probably a little uncommon but it's done. I had one years ago. I've also had many single flights with instructors when traveling. Your biggest issue seems to be current policies at the flight schools you contacted where they seem to want to treat a one-off lesson as a full commitment.

Have you been calling or have you been emailing or dropping by? If by phone, are you talking to a desk dispatcher or a manager or instructor?

And yes, flight review stickers are common. I've even given endorsements digitally.
Very cool outfit!! I flew over there for my IFR checkride. Had it with Chuck Brown, one of Jack's sons. Cool place, great people.
I didn't even know they did anything else. I would get the ASES rating in lieu of a BFR. I might do that anyhow and I'm not even close to Florida.
I didn't even know they did anything else. I would get the ASES rating in lieu of a BFR. I might do that anyhow and I'm not even close to Florida.
Chuck's brother is also a DPE I believe. I don't think the "DPE thing" is part of the business per se, kind of a side thing they are both able to do. I thought Chuck was telling me that the son in law or something (basically the next generation) is running the show now. He's kinda semi-retired. Chuck had some great stories to tell on his commercial flying and just an all around good guy. He was a very thorough and practical DPE too IMHO.

I was to have a BFR about this time this year but my IFR checkride with Chuck back in March/April took care of that. So I'd agree with you - doing some float plane stuff and getting your ASES would be great - and a ton of fun. I see the big float planes on the ramp around Florida all the time and am always in awe looking at them... especially the biggies!
Wow - not sure I'd have the time to do a new rating on this trip, but FR or not I'll put ASES on the list for next trip. Hadn't considered that option!

Appreciate all the ideas. If renter's insurance is quick to get and cancel that opens up quite a few possibilities.
I’ve done it for folks. No big deal. Should NOT need renters insurance, you’re with their instructor….

Do the wings ground instruction thingy… most welcome that.

Insofar as liability and all that, no different than a discovery flight.
There's a school on every corner in florida, shouldn't be hard to find someone to do it.
Wow - not sure I'd have the time to do a new rating on this trip, but FR or not I'll put ASES on the list for next trip. Hadn't considered that option!

Appreciate all the ideas. If renter's insurance is quick to get and cancel that opens up quite a few possibilities.
Try Starr Gate for your renters insurance. They do it by the month and it’s easy.
Just keep calling around. Some places are flat crazy.

A number of years ago I was working temporarily in Albany. There were a number of us there with spouses working temporarily in Burlington, VT.

So I figure, get checked out, and Sat afternoon fly 3 - 4 of us to Burlington, come back late Sunday (working Mon - Fri and half day Sat).

This was back in Yellow Pages days, so I started calling FBOs. First several were no longer in business. I finally found the only one still open. They wanted 3 hours to check out in C-172 for Day VFR. 3 more hours for night checkout. And 3 hours for Instrument checkout. 9 HOURS. And I was a current Comm ASMEL, IA, RH, G and current CFI ASE IA RH G with over 1500 hours.
Yep. Did mine in Philly this year while on a biz trip.

I'd argue against the renters insurance requirement. As mentioned, if you're dual only, it's their CFI's fault, period, not a risk you should be insuring. You may need to ask around with the staff until you find the one with the brain for such matters who can agree.
My local FBO requires renters insurance. If you want to solo. I did my FR with them without the insurance, then added it the next day, so I could fly without one of their instructors.
Thanks for the reco on First Landings. Worked out perfectly - they got me scheduled and done with zero hassle on insurance or anything else. Would recommend to others.

Now I've got the travel flying bug. I'll be in Miami for most of December and probably more than a few times in 2023. Does anyone have a flying club or rental operation to recommend in that area? Ideally I'd love to find a plane and instructor to try the Caribbean. But even CONUS flying would be great.
An unexpected business trip has taken me to Florida through the end of the month, when my FR expires. I've got a small plane trip scheduled when I return home, without much time to do the FR then.

I've never tried to get a flight review away from home before. Is this commonly possible through flight schools or clubs? I called a couple randomly but they either required renter's insurance (which I don't have) even for dual instruction or signing up for a multi month membership.

Am I asking for the wrong way or is this just that uncommon? Next week I'll be in the Orlando area (near the Disney TFR) - any recommendations are welcome. I mostly fly the bigger Cessna piston singles, but am open to learning something new too.

I do have my certificate, headset etc with me but not my logbook - I assume I could get a sticker or something?
I’ve done it a couple times. When getting a rental checkout. Doesn’t add all that much to the cost of the checkout so I figure why not reset the clock to two years. The places I did it didn’t require renters insurance. You said you had your Pilot Cert with you. What about Medical?