Flight-planning on the iPhone?


Final Approach
Feb 21, 2005
Southwest MO
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To all you iPhone owners:

Do you do all your flight planning on your iPhone when you fly on long trips? I really don't want to drag my laptop along this time, but I'm still not quick with my iPhone and I can't print stuff out on the road.
My flight instructor and I used his iPhone for doing some flight planning one day while eating breakfast at Wilkes-Barre. In a few minutes, we'd gotten the latest weather info from AOPA.

The iPhone interface seems to take a bit of getting used to, but once you are used to it it makes a lot of sense and is pretty easy. The small screen is the harder part and, like you said, you can't print anything. However, paper and pen technology still seems functional, albeit more limited. :)

I own a Treo personally, but I use my friend's iPhone to take candid pictures and eMail them to myself, and I can successfully take the picture and eMail it to myself faster than she can say "You better not be eMailing that to yourself..." :)

What sites do you use? I've used ADDS (a LOT) from my iPhone. Airnav as well.

I have used Skyvector to take a look at a chunk of sectional, but it's not as nice as on a laptop - When you zoom in, I think Skyvector and the iPhone fight over whether you're trying to move the whole screen or just the sectional! And you can't really use Skyvector's flight planning on the iPhone - Or at least MY index finger doesn't have a "right click." :rofl:

But, for most sites it works very well.
A very lightweight and useful site is:


There's an amazing amount of info from METARs/TAFs to actual approach plates quickly available with no/little advertising. The mobile version is much slimmer than the one you'll see if you access it from you 'puter.

I also use ADDS and AOPA.
Navmonster does just about everything Foreflight does, and does it for free.

The non-iPhone version is great for desktop / laptop computers too. Probably the best web-based integration of info for VFR flight planning out there.
Here are few I use:

AOPA just released "AOPA Airports" app for the iPhone. It was developed by ForeFlight and is free to AOPA members. AOPA UN and PW are required to make the app work. I just loaded it and it looks pretty cool!
AOPA just released "AOPA Airports" app for the iPhone. It was developed by ForeFlight and is free to AOPA members. AOPA UN and PW are required to make the app work. I just loaded it and it looks pretty cool!
I just downloaded it this morning. It's great!
I just downloaded it this morning. It's great!
If you like AOPA Airports, you'll love ForeFlight Mobile. Same interface, much greater capability - and the next version will also have the AOPA Airports functionality in it, I believe from the AOPA press release.
I'm new to this forum, but wanted to share with you some really cool apps I found recently on www.rightbase.net: one for typical nav calculations and one for weight and balance planning. It's free and exactly what I need for my flying.
