Pre-takeoff checklist
Lately I've been filing with Foreflight and opening on the ground just prior to departure. It only takes a minute at start-up or run-up and if you're in a controlled area but haven't moved yet, do it early before calling Ground or monitor both frequencies in case Ground calls while you're stopped (rare). If/when you buy a handheld, it's a good way to check it out before engine start.
The only risk is to ingrain in your head if you do a run-up and scrub the flight, to call back and close it after cussing at the airplane and your bad luck and putting it away in the hangar.
I got in the habit of filing on ForeFlight, but then changed and went back to the phone. With FF, I would route, file, electronic brief......... but with the phone briefer I always double check I didn't miss something.
Same reason I always get a standard briefing, even if I've checked the weather, Notams, etc. What's another couple minutes.