Flashlight recommendations?

Got a headlamp for $30 bux IIRX from Tar-je. It has 2 different white projections and a red. I wear it during night flying. Simple, one-button operation.

But this is an old thread.
I have recently switched to all LED's with a Surefire A2, Four Sevens Quark and Fenix brand flashlights. They are superb. Maglites are dinosaurs IMHO.
But cheap dinosaurs.

You can get a good LED light like a Pelican M6 LED for less than $40, and others for even less. My Fenix E01 was $15 w/shipping.
I think the concerns about night vision are a bit overblown. You're not running night ops against Charlie in the Delta -- you just need to be able to see runway lights and other airplane strobes.

We have a winner!

Just get a normal pocket flashlight, mini maglight, or freebie LED that Harbor Freight Tools used to give out. Find a rubber band and a mint in a RED clear cellophane wrapper. Consume the mint. Use the rubber band to hold the cellophane in place over the lens if you really and truly need a red light beam for your flashlight.

Most of my flying is all night and I've yet to use red light.
You can get a good LED light like a Pelican M6 LED for less than $40, and others for even less. My Fenix E01 was $15 w/shipping.

I haven't heard of those, but I know the Surefire A2 is pretty steep. I used to have a surefire for a firearm, and they are very good.