Five planes for sale that you can use to haul coke


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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There you are, it is Saturday.

You are watching Saturday morning cartoons and suddenly you realize "Damn! I am supposed to be in Mexico!"

How have you let this slip by. "They are going to kill me" you think to yourself.

By "they" you mean the drug cartel and by "kill" you mean with a chainsaw that is rusty and low on fuel and binds easily making the entire process slower than you would prefer.

You sprint to the airport!
You have a car dammit!!! That would have been so much faster!
Oh well too late now!

You go from plane to plane, each one more cramped and with less useful load then the former.

A gust of wind gives you pause.

A crumpled old flyer gently wraps around your leg.

You look down at your leg and think "How the hell did I forget to put on shoes?"

Never mind that now. You pick up the paper. It is an ad for some planes that would be perfect for your mission.

And by "mission" of course we're talking about hauling coke across the border.

Actually, that's only about 80% of the mission, the other 20% will be burger runs and the occasional family trip.

The perfect planes for YOUR mission:
Despite their prior history, I bet you could pick some of those up for a good price.
This one?


It would be perfect, it's like a who's buried in Grant's tomb thing....
IMG_2100.JPG Nah this one, let's you return fire. Russkies got 'em on sale for Christmas.

Or, Mulligan's C206 he doesn't need it anymore, movin' on up to twins ya know.


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The one article says,
"The next day Seda-Rodriguez’s body was found in the Dominican Republic by local authorities, allegedly beaten to death."
Tough business...
Given their prior history, and current owners, in not convinced that they are really all that great at that particular mission! ;)
are we looking for one plane to do this work or are we hauling five planes worth of coke and if so how do I get in on this action?
Crooks are dumb...My father was as Special Agent for US wanna smuggle something into the country just send it THROUGH customs. Only way they ever found anything was when a ****ed off associate of the offender would tip them off!

They are too busy otherwise looking for the knuckleheads stuffing planes full of drugs!
I hauled coke a lot when I flew for my airline.

Quit being so simple minded. If you can haul coke, then you can haul meth, weed, mushrooms, pills etc etc!!!!
I always wonder the same when I see all those C210's listed in Mexico...
Doing the annual on the Beech 18 right now and would have to say that IF I ever did want a plane to haul coke with.....its this Beast. It's got all kinds of hidden compartments!
I am acquainted with a guy who owned a fleet of (qty 14) B-23 Douglas Dragon. He got them for a song from a government surplus site. He
regularly flew them back and forth between Texas and South America.
Strictly educational flights, I'm sure.
A shop I used to work at maintained the perfect plane for 6PC's mission. It was a T 310R that had been re-engined with higher powered engines, some nice airframe modifications, and almost enough fuel to cross the Atlantic non-stop. Previous owner was using it to smuggle Colombian artifacts and flying low enough to not be seen on radar. It almost worked, but he was a guest of Uncle Sam when my customer bought it at auction.
They don't use planes for that anymore. They have submarines now.

I guess Customs and Border Protection didn't get the memo, cuz they keep harassing us "suspects" in spam cans. You know, with our flight plans and openly declared origin and destination, with ETAs to boot. Like I said in a prior thread months ago, make-work sack of motherf-----s.
They don't use planes for that anymore. They have submarines now.

In the good old days, the best drug running airplane was the 727 that they flew up to Mexico from S America and landed gear up in the desert and then sent the cargo in small batches across the border.
**** I'd do it. Get me a C414, a Hawaiian shirt, wayfarers, and a bottle of scotch. You know....pilot essentials.
I guess Customs and Border Protection didn't get the memo, cuz they keep harassing us "suspects" in spam cans. You know, with our flight plans and openly declared origin and destination, with ETAs to boot. Like I said in a prior thread months ago, make-work sack of motherf-----s.
That's because CBP guys are only a quarter point above the TSA on the IQ scale...
Ziploc bags... Rookie
Well, to my credit, these were not mine. I just found them in my new-to-me plane during the first annual. I didn't question the packaging. As long as they paid for the airplane, a new Mercedes for the wife and a BMW convertible for myself, it was all good.
And yes, I did buy the plane from Mexiko (New). :D