Fisk VFR Arrival Simplified


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
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Hi Folks,

Here's my "Oshkosh Arrival Simplified" flowchart in PDF format for 2011 (EDIT: See post #14 for the 2012 version.) This does not substitute for the NOTAM, but is meant as a way for pilots flying the arrival to be able to see the procedure in a clear, concise manner so as to allow you to spend as much time as possible with your eyes outside.

Enjoy, pass along to your friends, and fly safe - See you in Oshkosh!


EDIT: See post #14 for the 2012 version.


  • OSH11 simplified.pdf
    82.9 KB · Views: 148
Last edited:
Hi Folks,

Here's my "Oshkosh Arrival Simplified" flowchart in PDF format for 2011. This does not substitute for the NOTAM, but is meant as a way for pilots flying the arrival to be able to see the procedure in a clear, concise manner so as to allow you to spend as much time as possible with your eyes outside.

Enjoy, pass along to your friends, and fly safe - See you in Oshkosh!


Very nice! Combine this with Jim Weir's simplified maps and frequencies (courtesy of his company, RST Engineering), and you've got everything you need to fly into OSH. (Jim, are you out there? You doing them this year?)

By the way -- you first-timers who are looking at this flow-chart, thinking "Crikey!", it's really not difficult at all. Just do what the controller tells you to do, and follow the guy ahead of you. If you can hold airspeed and altitude -- something you learned in your first ten hours as a student -- you'll be fine.

OSH is a flight that every pilot must make, at least once in his/her life. There is no greater GA destination!
Much better than the cheat sheet I built.
Very nice! Combine this with Jim Weir's simplified maps and frequencies (courtesy of his company, RST Engineering), and you've got everything you need to fly into OSH. (Jim, are you out there? You doing them this year?)

Sure, if people will use them. I'll get them done tonight and hopefully posted by tomorrow morning.

TW that link is gone. Would have been nice to see.....:confused:
Here's the 2012 version... Enjoy the show and fly safe!


  • OSH12 simplified.pdf
    137.4 KB · Views: 32