First Student Pilot To Respond Wins


Jan 20, 2014
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Ted Striker
Someone did this for me and I've finally finished the book, so, it's my turn to return the favor. First person to respond To this thread gets this book sent to them. All I ask is that when you finish, you keep it going and send it to someone else.

I had that book during training.. Was quite helpful.. Awesome idea with passing it on!
This a worthwhile book to buy? I did most of my training at an un-controlled field and getting near my checkride im still not comfortable on the radio
This a worthwhile book to buy? I did most of my training at an un-controlled field and getting near my checkride im still not comfortable on the radio

If you're not comfortable at all, then I would say, yes, it is worth it.
Very worthwhile. I did my training at a towered field specifically because I wanted to be comfortable working on the radios, and it was very helpful to me even so.
Yep, should be required reading during primary training. Great book with a lot of good info written so that anybody can understand.
I bought this as an ebook a few months after my PPL checkride. It's a great read. I wish my CFI gave this as required reading.

Like some of my motorcycle safety books, I'll keep this one and re-read it every couple of years. The ebook version gets free updates. :)
I purchased the e-book as I was going through my training. Bob does a very good job of making it simple and inherently clear...