Well that didn't go quite as planned. Instead of getting my first solo XC experience, I got my first in-flight mechanical experience. I did a thorough pre-flight on the plane, got all my stuff organized, had the tanks topped off, followed the checklists, etc. Taxi'd to the run up area and went through that check list. Everything was fine there, working properly and running well, however I just had this little feeling that something didn't sound quite right. I checked and double checked and actually did the run up again, but everything was green and running smooth so I figured it was just a bit of nerves. I'm still not sure if I actually heard anything or if it was just in my head. Got cleared to take off, everything was great going down the runway, lifted off and started climbing, hit about 300'AGL and the Alternator light came on. I cycled the alternator switch, nothing. Checked the breakers, all in. Now I'm at 500AGL, call the tower "six charlie alpha, I'm gonna need to return to the airport"
Tower: "6CA say again"
me: "I'm gonna need to return to the field, I have an alternator light on, 6CA"
Tower: "6CA make right traffic #2 runway 24 cleared to land traffic is a Cessna on final"
me "#2 cleared to land 24 6CA"
From there it was pretty uneventful. Just did a normal loop of the traffic pattern, nice normal landing, then asked to taxi to maintenance. The guys there were kind enough to look at it right away and determined that the alternator had gone bad and it wasn't anything else simple like a belt or fuse. I was glad I didn't freak out about it or anything. Just turned around and came back home. Probably would have been a bit more stressful had it happened halfway to TOA, but even then I'm sure I could have gotten it to one of the many airports along the way.