First Solo Cross Country Coming Up--Advice?

That's a good question for your CFI, and the CFIs here.

On my long solo XC I went to airports that I hadn't seen before.

Yep, that's how I do it. All cross-country flights are to airports unvisited by the student. I do try to pick airports with good landmarks and, if possible, some "backstop" landmark that keeps them from going too far.
Check way points that you will not have problems identifying. Don't panic if your time is off on reaching the way points. Enjoy the ride,remember ATC is there to help if you get lost or have a problem. Good luck ,enjoy.

This^^^ choose checkpoints that are very easy to identify from the air....powerlines are easy to miss.....
Everything went well today. Made a few minor mistakes while talking to ATC, but, otherwise, nothing to complain about! Here are a few photos I took on the flight!


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Not an issue yet, but make sure passengers do it, too.

Especially kids.

Believe me, it sucks to hear "I gotta go NOW" from the back seat at 5000 feet.

And it's not even small kids. I had a teenager pull that on me a few weeks ago in the run up area at Oakland. Not fun to taxi against traffic back to the FBO at a busy Class C. At least the guys at Kaiser were helpful.

You need a 421 with a potty.:D