First "real" use of my PP-ASEL


The pilot formerly known as Twin Engine Ted
Oct 9, 2007
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Well, as of yesterday I've had my PP-ASEL for a week. Last week I spent two afternoons flying with my instructor in the Archer to get checked out in it. I was hoping to take a friend flying who's moving back to England tomorrow, but her schedule didn't allow for it. However I did have a plane for the day, and wanted a destination. This morning I called up a friend of mine in Buffalo and asked if he wanted to go flying, and got an enthusiastic yes. So, my other friend and I hopped in the Archer and flew from IPT up to 9G0. We took the cheater route (GPS). Today was a beautiful day, we could see Lake Erie from about 60 miles out up at 6500 ft. On the way there I let my friend who came with fly the plane straight and level once it was established. He did well with it.

Once we got up there, I took my other friend for a spin around, showed him his city from the air, let him do a little straight and level as well.

After lunch, we headed back to IPT. It was gorgeous day for flying. Today I had passengers #1 and #2 as pilot without my instructor, and it was fully my trip. Everything went well, and I was happy with it. If I did a good job, both of them will want to go for flight lessons. :)
Sounds like a fantastic day. It was CAVU here in Philly so if you had the same it must have been awesome.
Congrats...sounds like a fun day. I can't wait to be there myself. :)
Yea, as I walked in this morning past friend #1 the first words out of his mouth was "I got to fly it!"
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Yeah, he was pretty happy about having gotten some right seat time. Now we just need to convince him to either buy a plane or just start taking lessons.
Wow, sounds amazing. Reading posts like these REALLY makes me want to start lessons.
When you figure that a bit over a year ago I had sworn I would never become a pilot, a lot has changed for me. :)

It is a wholly worthwhile thing to do. Go for it!