First real emergency

Why should you predispose that you would need to pay for all of this? My point was if you don't try you won't know.

In my experience there are many pilots more than willing to introduce you to what they do. And those may lead to other opportunities. That you are a new pilot and a comely woman makes it doubly so. Put yourself out there. For a few shekels more* than you would normally spend on a cross country flight at your level, you would avail yourself to some outstanding opportunities.

*in some cases it may cost you nothing more than getting yourself there. I was able to fly round trip California coast IFR to Oklahoma for nothing more than a tank of gas (56 gallons) when I was at the private level. There are other experiences but the jist is don't discount the experience soley because you think it outside your budget.

Well, he called, and you're right. All I have to do is show up (but I offered to pay the $50). Thanks, and I don't even have to wait until May - turns out they fly about every month or two and last time 12 planes showed up (plenty with room for a passenger). So maybe next month I'll get to go meet them all in sacramento!
I ended up in the weekly cartoon on the aces high bbs

Hey! You're an "Ace" in my book.
Was thinking about this again today. It STILL makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
Was thinking about this again today. It STILL makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

I have several experiences in my flying career that are the same way. This is not only normal, but helps to remind you of lessons you learned that will keep you alive when things don't go so well in your favor next time.
Must've been a long month...

I had a blister on the bottom part of my thumb that would hurt whenever I picked something up. I was wary to shake hands too, because of the blister. I had a band-aid on it, but what I really needed was a Michael Jackson glove.
I had an "Aha!" moment today and realized that this wasn't caused by a blown O-ring, but rather the fact that I did not file a flight plan. That is all.
I had an "Aha!" moment today and realized that this wasn't caused by a blown O-ring, but rather the fact that I did not file a flight plan. That is all.
That'll teach you! Never do that again, will you, especially now that you're instrument rated!
That'll teach you! Never do that again, will you, especially now that you're instrument rated!

I don't even have an excuse, I was instrument rated back then too!

Henceforth, flight plans always. I shall sin no more.
Wow! Do you have the CP already? And now that you've announced it, you know that we'll hold you to it!

Nope, no CP yet. I've still got 2 months and 12 days to go (not that I'm counting or anything) before I'm eligible for the CP checkride. I'll have 17 days to get CP, CFI, and II. I've been studying the learnin' books though so I should be ready.
Nope, no CP yet. I've still got 2 months and 12 days to go (not that I'm counting or anything) before I'm eligible for the CP checkride. I'll have 17 days to get CP, CFI, and II. I've been studying the learnin' books though so I should be ready.
That durned age thing again, huh? LOL
Do you have your ground instructor ratings yet? IIRC, those don't have age limits.Edit: David's right, need to be 18 to get the certificate.

And have you taken the knowledge exams yet? You already meet the age requirement for those, according to
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You have to be 18 for AGI and IGI
just checked and you're right, you need to be 18 to get the certificate, but not to take the tests! Take them now, then make an appointment on your birthday to go to the FSDO.
One day you'll get your MEL/MEI and become a real pilot. ;)