First inflight video with tail mounted camera

Got to see this setup on John's beautiful airplane today. :D
One thing I don't get about the gopro cameras is that they all seem to have that fish-eye looking deal going with them. Is that by design, or can it be disabled?
The fish-eye comes from the wide camera angle, the wider the angle, the worse the fish-eye. Many of these "action-cams" have 2 or 3 settings. 135 degrees gives a nice wide view, but not so much fish-eye.
It's a trade-off. The wide view is really nice, especially for aviation shots.
That's an easy fix, just need a neutral density filter.

I discovered that accidentally as I saw the strobe effect lessen as the sun went down.

Other options:
1) Ignore it
2) Embrace it as "cool"
3) External mount - planning that and worried about what it will say about my landings.
4) Buy a twin

That "jelly shaking" can be reduced greatly by incorporating Sorbothane:
Worked well for me but I'd be worried about an externally mounted application, got to be careful with how the Sorbothane is attached since to use metal screws conducts the vibration but using glue etc. might give way!