First flight in… ummm… 15 months?


Final Approach
Aug 24, 2011
Omaha, NE
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My last two flights were each 0.2, and resulted in emergency landings. Partial loss of power on climb out, 700’ the first time and even lower the second time a week later. Long story, but in the end it was a simple case of bad fuel. Problem was resolved and my three co-owners have been flying the wings off the thing since then. My only contact with it has been troubleshooting the original issue, then installing a new exhaust system and heater control cable. I didn’t even do the post maintenance test flight… just couldn’t do it. I have been planning to sell my share in the plane, and pondering whether I even want to continue building the biplane I’ve started.

Tuesday my buddy, a co-owner, texted me to say we should go flying today. I agreed. So at 4 this afternoon we went up. It’s an RV-12, winds were 8G16 and variable crosswind up to 60 off the runway heading, hot day… perfect for a reluctant pax, right?

We did an hour long flight. Went to another airport, he did a couple landings to get - err, umm, I mean stay current, then back home. I’m not going to lie, the first 5-10 minutes scared the crap out of me, just waiting for that sputter and loss of power. After that it got better. The new exhaust was a huge improvement for several reasons, plus the prop balance we had done last year. The plane is so much smoother it’s amazing.

I didn’t touch the stick or rudder the whole time, but I think it cured me of my case of “the yips”. As we shut down, I briefly thought of taking it up for a few laps around the pattern - obviously not something I’d do, but if it were a smooth, calm day I’d have been mighty tempted.

Maybe I’ll keep my share and get current again, get a flight review, and keep on building. All it took was ten or fifteen minutes in the air for me to get back to thinking about where I wanted to fly and what my engine choices for the biplane are…
Maybe even another rating/cert, feel free to fly with others until you feel more comfortable again. Longer runways, cooler days, will help. I haven’t been in your shoes, so I don’t know the feeling. Take your time with it.