Line Up and Wait
Well after a year of training I got my private cert last weekend. Today I took the family for their first cross country trip. 1 Hour each way in a Piper Warrior II. Kids were nervous at first but settled in pretty quick. I have never seen my son more excited about something. He went from being "afraid of heights" to wanting to "go fly everyday after school". I know how he feels ... daddy wants to do the same.
Things I learned or was reminded of:
Close airvents or wife's ankles get cold.
Kids will stay silent the entire flight until you're on downwind.
In a Gross weight airplane you KNOW when you're out of ground effect.
Things I learned or was reminded of:
Close airvents or wife's ankles get cold.
Kids will stay silent the entire flight until you're on downwind.
In a Gross weight airplane you KNOW when you're out of ground effect.