Yesterday when I went flying, I saw a house totally engulfed in flames. It was quite a site from 1500AGL. The house was pretty big too. I guess it is sort of creepy of me, but it was cool to see a **** load of fire trucks spraying water on this thing.
Has anyone else seen this sort of thing from the sky?
It really must suck for the people who owned the house.... On the way back a good hour and a half later, the thing was smoldering (but not flames), and it was a pile of ashes as opposed to the house. It was really easy to find though, you could see the smoke plume from quite a distance.
Has anyone else seen this sort of thing from the sky?
It really must suck for the people who owned the house.... On the way back a good hour and a half later, the thing was smoldering (but not flames), and it was a pile of ashes as opposed to the house. It was really easy to find though, you could see the smoke plume from quite a distance.