Final Review...

Brian Curtis

Filing Flight Plan
Jan 19, 2023
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Brian Curtis
This showed up late on Friday...does anyone know how much longer it will take?? I've been waiting since 9/13/22

It says up to 2 days. I have 64 hours and I'm ready to solo and XC solo!!


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Congrats, should be pretty quick from here. You might be able to call your RFS to see if they can fax you the medical.

Out of curiosity, what class was the medical and was this a DC HIMS case or something else?
Great. I hope I’ll have it tomorrow or Tuesday. They said they’d email it if I call okc once it’s approved.

class 3 - deferred for type 2 diabetic. Had to do tests and went back and forth but seems to be finishing up!!
This showed up late on Friday...does anyone know how much longer it will take?? I've been waiting since 9/13/22

It says up to 2 days. I have 64 hours and I'm ready to solo and XC solo!!
Keep an eye on the airman registry. When it updates, congrats! And, you can then download a temporary IIRC.

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Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.