Ffffffff airline travel... Seriously.

I believe CASS is a lot more work, but sooooo worth it. The problem there is you need to reciprocate. When I was flying 135 at my last job there was no way to do that so it never happened.

That said, KCM has definite benefits over GE.

I'll leave it at that, but feel free to PM me if you want more info.
I asked around and they are supposedly working on it (KCM), but at the speed things move around here I'll be retired by then...
I used to be a huge Southwest fan, but lately I pretty well dropped them and fly Delta exclusively. Why?

Because the Southwest planes are always full...like completely full.
The Delta flights are empty and I almost always get the whole row.

I know which I'd rather own....but....I prefer to book flights knowing there likely won't be many people on it.

You must be on the only Delta flights in the country that aren't full then...
You must be on the only Delta flights in the country that aren't full then...

I don't airline a LOT, but enough, I spend a week a month in NYC. I don't think I've been on a full Delta flight yet after having done 6 or so of these commutes with them.
As a 6'6" individual, who was once nearly 500lbs (don't worry, I kept it in my own seat even at that weight) I always liked SWA for the fact that I could board early and not ruin someone's(including my own) trip.....

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A 500 lb human can NOT 'keep it in his own seat'. That's a fact. Physics are involved here. I'm glad you lost (some?) weight. I hope it was two humans worth.

BTW, at 500 lbs you would be a POS (Passenger Of Size) and should be required to purchase two seats. Maybe they were empty flights and they cut you a break.
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BTW, DenverPilot...you lose all capitalism cred on this thread. Your whining reeks of 'Government....SAVE me!!!" Pfffft...save yourself nancy.

Before you get all huffy and retort, remember your stupid 250 kts dead? thread and remember your're way out gunned here.
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As a 6'6" individual, who was once nearly 500lbs (don't worry, I kept it in my own seat even at that weight) I always liked SWA for the fact that I could board early and not ruin someone's(including my own) trip.....

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I am 6'4". I weigh, on a good day, 250. Half your previous 500. Having long legs and not much belly, I can usually cram myself into the typical coach seat without too much trouble.

I am sorry, but I can't imagine how you could cram that much bulk (500 POUNDS?) into the typical airline seat without impinging into your neighbor's space.
A 500 lb human can NOT 'keep it in his own seat'. That's a fact. Physics are involved here. I'm glad you lost (some?) weight. I hope it was two humans worth.

BTW, at 500 lbs you would be a POS (Passenger Of Size) and should be required to purchase two seats. Maybe they were empty flights and they cut you a break.

Repeated because, ya know...the page turned...
BTW, I'm 6'4" at 225 and consider myself 'fat'. Maybe 'pudgy' but that's just nice for 'fat'.
A 500 lb human can NOT 'keep it in his own seat'. That's a fact. Physics are involved here. I'm glad you lost (some?) weight. I hope it was two humans worth.

BTW, at 500 lbs you would be a POS (Passenger Of Size) and should be required to purchase two seats. Maybe they were empty flights and they cut you a break.


This was my heaviest on the left at 495. And about halfway through my journey on the right.

Not saying it was comfortable, but yes, I kept it between the armrests...always. Never was once treated as a POS, but by far I'm guessing it was because I went out of my way to be overly considerate....

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Crap... You look heavy at 495 no doubt. BUT... I never would have guessed 495. Maybe 300-325....


That's what just shy of 300 is now.... Thankfully, I lost enough to finish my ticket.... And that's been the most successful incentive to keep it all off...

Of course the RJ's...I live in a market exclusively served by RJ's... All nine flights.... At 6'6" it's nearly impossible. So I'm typically pointing the TB9 north to SMF to catch the purple and brown human mailing tube to points east.

It's a 2hr flight for me, but I have a place to stay just south of O20 so I kick in there on either side of the trip... Sure beats the hell out of flying into BUR or driving into LAX....even though it's closer, the whole GA to TSA experience is top notch at SMF....$10/day parking is cheaper than parking the car.

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BTW, DenverPilot...you lose all capitalism cred on this thread. Your whining reeks of 'Government....SAVE me!!!" Pfffft...save yourself nancy.

Before you get all huffy and retort, remember your stupid 250 kts dead? thread and remember your're way out gunned here.

Meh. Huffy ain't my style. No worries. That's your gig. In spades. Haha. How many times have you stomped off in a huff and returned over some silly thing here? LOL. (No really. LOL. I actually did!)

Capitalism: What are you going on about? I said I paid nearly nothing for the seat and ran my risk of eight legs for $180 turning into SWA Hell. It did eventually.

Where did I say o wanted government involved in airline seats? LOL.

SWA is SWA... Happy crews, full flights, and Seating Hunger Games Rules. 1 bad flight out of 8 isn't too bad.

Probably won't need any more flights on them this year unless somebody dies, so I'm all good. Time enough to run some more money through their credit card and see how the next eight legs go, essentially for free. As long as I can bump myself or get a free bump to the end of the A group, I'll keep using their free tickets.

250 knot thread: That was just an honest question. We were way above 250 below 10 on that outbound leg. Unfortunately screenshots when an iPad thinks it has network enough to sync to iCloud and it doesn't, seem to disappear. (Working on debugging that one. Happened to a couple of vacation photos also. Seems to also be related to how full the storage is. Still playing with it.)

(Do you actually see thread creation as some sort of competition? You're one weird dude...)
250 knot thread: That was just an honest question. We were way above 250 below 10 on that outbound leg.

What did you take a screen shot of and what speed did it show? The speed limit is for AIRSPEED not ground speed. I haven't seen an entertainment system yet that shows indicated airspeed.
I was told the fee was lifetime, but they will do another background check and possibly interview you again in 5 years.

Good to know. I'll have to check that again, too.

What did you take a screen shot of and what speed did it show? The speed limit is for AIRSPEED not ground speed. I haven't seen an entertainment system yet that shows indicated airspeed.

That's why I find the extra readout in the entertainment system showing headwind/tailwind to be of use. I can figure airspeed with reasonable certainty knowing that.

That time I was coming back from NRT to SEA and the speed showed 750 mph I KNEW that had to be ground speed. No way was that 777 supersonic. :-)

Sure wish you guys still flew that route. The only way to ride Star Alliance from SEA to NRT is on ANA, and they are permanently on my DO NOT FLY coach list due to lack of legroom and the damage that did a few years ago.
Good to know. I'll have to check that again, too.

That's why I find the extra readout in the entertainment system showing headwind/tailwind to be of use. I can figure airspeed with reasonable certainty knowing that.

That time I was coming back from NRT to SEA and the speed showed 750 mph I KNEW that had to be ground speed. No way was that 777 supersonic. :-)

Sure wish you guys still flew that route. The only way to ride Star Alliance from SEA to NRT is on ANA, and they are permanently on my DO NOT FLY coach list due to lack of legroom and the damage that did a few years ago.
Still can't really figure it out like that. The speed limit is indicated airspeed, not true airspeed.

250 knots indicated, 10,000 ft, is a true airspeed of around 300 knots (plus or minus some depending on conditions)
What did you take a screen shot of and what speed did it show? The speed limit is for AIRSPEED not ground speed. I haven't seen an entertainment system yet that shows indicated airspeed.

Already covered in the other thread.

Either we had a 70 knot tailwind or the crew cheated a little bit. Really don't care.

R&W covered how that happens in the other thread, too.

The thread was interesting and I learned how the military folks handle it.

Interestingly DEN TRACON recently approved a departure for BKF that matches one of the stories in the other thread... Straight up over the field to 19,000. Gets them above the Bravo with a handoff straight to ZDV. Wheeeee.

Bunch of great photos this week in the CO FB Aviation photo group of the CO National Guard F-16 drivers "enjoying" their new departure procedure. Lovely afterburner shots.
Already covered in the other thread.

Either we had a 70 knot tailwind or the crew cheated a little bit. Really don't care.

R&W covered how that happens in the other thread, too.

The thread was interesting and I learned how the military folks handle it.

Interestingly DEN TRACON recently approved a departure for BKF that matches one of the stories in the other thread... Straight up over the field to 19,000. Gets them above the Bravo with a handoff straight to ZDV. Wheeeee.

Bunch of great photos this week in the CO FB Aviation photo group of the CO National Guard F-16 drivers "enjoying" their new departure procedure. Lovely afterburner shots.


Technically, I should ask the photographer's permission but I'll ask him after I post and hope he's cool with it. If not I'll take it down.

Photo Credit: Anthony Cornelius (Anthony@f-16.net)

His description:

"Up we go, burning out! Redeye 1-3 riding the elevator in the Sandbox departure out of Buckley AFB, Colorado."



Personally I wonder how long they'll be able to do it before the NIMBYs get all uppity about the noise. We'll see. Lots of houses have surrounded BKF since back in the day when it was out in the middle of nowhere.

Less NIMBYs there than around APA or DEN so maybe we'll get to enjoy the show on Guard weekends for a while.

Edit: Anthony approved the use of the photo and asked me to add his email in case anyone wants to contact him about using it.
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Like to get a copy of that. Think he'd sell say, an 8x10 maybe?
Technically, I should ask the photographer's permission but I'll ask him after I post and hope he's cool with it. If not I'll take it down.

Photo Credit: Anthony Cornelius (Anthony@f-16.net)

His description:

"Up we go, burning out! Redeye 1-3 riding the elevator in the Sandbox departure out of Buckley AFB, Colorado."

Cute little airplane. It's like they took a real jet and put it in the dryer... :goofy::rofl::D
Thread competition? No.

Not knowing the difference between IAS and TAS is worth pointing out. It's cool to learn but that's tough when the ignorant one is preachy and condescending.

I get huffy and leave when you and others gang up despite being wrong using herd mentality and I start to figure what's the point?
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Thread competition? No.

Not knowing the difference between IAS and TAS is worth pointing out. It's cool to learn but that's tough when the ignorant one is preachy and condescending.

I get huffy and leave when you and others gang up despite being wrong using herd mentality and I start to figure what's the point?

Preachy! Hahaha. Hilarious. Asking a question about why the aircraft I was *siting jn* was doing 70 knots above the limit just before 10K is preachy. That's funny stuff.

(And no, IAS/TAS doesn't quite make the numbers work and I did know the difference between groundspeed and airspeed and we didn't have any 50 knot tailwind that day on any winds aloft forecast for a few hundred miles, but I also know forecasts can be wrong. Pretty sure the folks up front just flipped the autopilot mode early when they got to about 9000-9500. No big deal. Maybe someone had a big date waiting. Hell if I know. I'm certainly not worried about it. It just made me wonder is all, or I wouldn't have asked. We ended up 20 minutes ahead of schedule so, who's complaining? 20 minutes less time sitting in a school bus singing "Three cheers for the bus driver", and "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall," works for me.)

About the most fun I ever have in an airliner cabin is if the turbulence gets going I can put my hands up and look at Karen and say, "It's more fun if you put your hands in the air like this, Maurice!" in a King Julian voice from Madagascar. Funniest flying scene Hollywood has ever put out, unless you count MST3K voice overs of aerial refueling scenes.

We were hauling ass. Wheeee. And I was posting to PoA from the back. Because airline travel is safe and boring like it probably should be.

I was also noticing that you don't have to throw the door outside anymore on the 737-800 over wing exits. I didn't post about that so let me remedy this oversight.

They're apparently attached these days. I remember when everyone made fun of the safety card showing you putting it in the seat where it could fall over and be right in everyone's way, and knowing the far better solution was to turn it sideways and hurl it through the hole out on to the wing in a real emergency.

But anyway, back to you... and your very important concerns on an Internet forum. Mine obviously don't rate. And you care about yours much more deeply.

Gang up? LOL. This is getting funnier. When have I "ganged up" on you? You poor dear. All us low-lifes and little people picking on you. Haha. Maybe you're thinking of someone else.