Ferry Pilot?


Line Up and Wait
Mar 14, 2007
New York City
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i And I Survive
Has anyone done ferry pilot work before? If so how did you get the jobs?
I have, and it's usually word-of-mouth or social networking. There are frankly a bunch of folks who will ferry little airplanes for free (they may or may not have commercial certificates) and a bunch of owners who take them up on the offer, and generally neither one of them seems to know and/or care about the liability risks they assume when they do that.

The little amount of work I've gotten has come from shops or owners who already knew me, and while I did get some "hits" from advertising in Trade-A-Plane, they were looking to ferry unworthy airplanes (which I won't do) or airplanes that I don't have a lot of experience in, or wanted me to fly them across the Atlantic (which I also won't do just yet).

So, my experience is that there isn't a huge lucrative market for light aircraft ferry, but the occasional job is fun.
There are also some websites for all kinds of pilot jobs online. (use Google, Yahoo search etc). Some of them requires you to become a member and this costs money. But you can view them without paying. I have not tried any of them so I can't recommend them, but I've had instructors that did and got jobs through them before; both ferrying planes and dropping skydivers.
I see ads on barnstormers.com all the time for pilots looking to ferry airplanes, you might post an ad there.
Ya'll might also want to congratulate Danos on the brand new C-certificate!

Go work for a large dealer. Worked for me. Plus, taught for him on the side at his school.
Has anyone done ferry pilot work before? If so how did you get the jobs?

I started working at a Repair Station, and since I was the only one who flew, I'd get the jobs that came in, then some brokers would get my name.....