FB **** Show!

I’ve participated in online politics since Clinton was still president. In that time every year people keep telling me the candidate in office is a Marxist or a Nazi and that our country is about to become a totalitarian nightmare of some sort. Every. Single. President. The Rs always get called Nazis, the Ds always are communist or socialist and this is always the most important election ever.

Yet, when I turn off the news and go outside everything is pretty much the same every time regardless of who wins...hmmm...perhaps we live under a flawed but stable system that only allows for small changes?

I’m trying to take my own wisdom and just let stuff pass without comment. Not that the issues of the day aren’t important but the constant fight for team D or team R online really isn’t. I am trying to just walk away(not succeeding every time but trying). This crap is ruing the internet and I’m glad POA disallowed it.
I have a conspiracy theory about that.
FB offers just as much anonymity as poa. You can create an account on either with any name you want.

yep, I was only thinking about how I use it, to stay connected with people I know. Since I don’t connect with people I don’t know, this is irrelevant to me but, speaks to the problem with expecting factual information on fb, don’t!