Fatalities in FL crash

Micho Velicovich and a student from the Peruvian Air Force. Aircraft was an MX2. Almost certainly an aerobatic training sortie.

Micho was an outspoken voice on the "Aerobatics Exploder" Google group. I'm sure there will be more info on there.

I lost a friend 13 years ago in an MX2 crash. Paul Lopez at KZPH. Spun in from an aerobatic maneuver. I had a recent conversation about that crash with a mutual friend who is on the IAC board. He mentioned that the MX2 could enter an unrecoverable spin with 2 occupants and fuel in the wing tanks, which are intended for XC, not acro.
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Micho Velicovich and a student from the Peruvian Air Force. Aircraft was an MX2. Almost certainly an aerobatic training sortie.

Micho was an outspoken voice on the "Aerobatics Exploder" Google group. I'm sure there will be more info on there.

I lost a friend 13 years ago in an MX2 crash. Paul Lopez at KZPH. Spun in from an aerobatic maneuver. I had a recent conversation about that crash with a mutual friend who is on the IAC board. He mentioned that the MX2 could enter an unrecoverable spin with 2 occupants and fuel in the wing tanks, which are intended for ferry purposes.
That looks just like an Extra 300. Do you know if they have that 2 occupant spin problem also?
That looks just like an Extra 300. Do you know if they have that 2 occupant spin problem also?

Yes but it is not a 2 occupant spin problem. It is a fuel in the wing tanks spin problem.

The Extra 300 has a fuselage tank and wing tanks. Aerobatics is prohibited with fuel in the wing tanks, because the added weight in the wing tips can cause difficulty with spin recovery.

I am told the MX2 has the same issue. But since it is EAB, it might not be a prohibition.

To be clear, there is no indication that might have been an issue in this instance. Micho had been affiliated with the MX2 factory for quite a while, so he was very familiar with the to aircraft.