Fairy Tales (and OWTs) for Pilots.

Capt. Geoffrey Thorpe

Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 7, 2008
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Light and Sporty Guy
Everybody knows:

Interstate highways have a straight section every xx miles to be used as runways.

Cirrus aircraft failed the spin test and had to have a 'chute for certification.

Mooneys are cramped.

Batteries go dead if you store them on concrete.

Turning the propeller backwards will break your vacuum pump.

You never use the brakes on a taildragger except for run-up.


Airfoils generate lift because they are curved on top and flat on the bottom.

How do you start a post ?
I assume you mean a new thread since you already created a post in an existing thread...
Go to the forum you want to post in, and way over to the right near the top is a button "post new thread"
Bigger myth: High wings are better than low wings. ;)

"But do not despise the lore that has come down from distant years; for oft it may chance that old wives keep in memory word of things that once were needful for the wise to know."
The comments on new thread about Civil Air Patrol, pattern entry, owner maintenance, ATITPPA, etc. will be vastly different than the old ones.
I have two I'm pretty sure haven't been posted before, and unfortunately even the FAA sometimes propagates them :(
  • Increased load factor is caused by centrifugal force
  • Load factor is measured in G's
Most GA accidents are due to continued VFR flight into IFR conditions.

Ron Wanttaja
You never use the brakes on a taildragger except for run-up. ?

That one caused me a lot of grief when I Bought my c140... I was doing terrible transitioning from turf to hard surface, turf was pretty easy transition for me- pavement I had tough time.

Larry kept saying a soft touch of brake will really help but I couldn’t bring myself to do it- then he landed with me in next one and nailed each brake pretty hard... he said “see yoke in your lap and you can use em”. After that pavement came quick - but he had to show me to break that mindset I had picked up from hearing even a touch of em and you’ll be on your nose..
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