Facebook: oops, they did it again.

I just wish people would realize that when they load a social network site with their email address book that the rest of us are victims of email spam from those sites. THAT is how you get an invite. It's not some overt invite from the user. You might also look at the list FACEBOOK generates under "People you might know".
I was commenting on the first part of this- where I got picked up by someone letting FB look through their address book.

That's different. That's not "People you may know," that's someone specifically giving permission to an app to access their contact list, then manually checking which people in their contact list they want to contact, and then having an email sent on their behalf.

Nothing like that happens automatically.

People you many know is simply "Friends of Friends."
It's not as automatic as I thought- I looked at the e-mail in question and there were several other people I know listed- FB probably had my e-mail address for some time through these other people, but only asked me to join when one of them wanted to "friend" me. Silver Eagle may think this is spam.
I haven't seen it yet, but I'll make sure when I watch it I watch it with the filter of "this is more about entertainment than knowledge." I'll bet most of the "truth" in it was over dramatized to make a better movie.

Between texting and sites like Myspace and Facebook, and other technology like video games, Youtube, etc, the fabric of our culture is changing, especially with younger people.

Both true.
