I doubt my airplane is worth much more than $20 to $25K these days, and less after this whole ADS-B business kicks in. Spending 7.5K on something that's only worth $20K and isn't likely to be worth much more after the box goes in is foolish at best. Might just stop flying for travel and just kick around the cornfields.
Do you not fly your plane? Did you buy it as a financial instrument, a monetary investment? If so, sell now. Otherwise it has value beyond a dollar figure. Consider it a one time operational expense and the best thing to do to deal with the cost is to amortize it into the most hours you can.
It's just another $7500 to kick into a lifetime hobby. Is it worth it to you? Who knows? Only you.
I just quit counting, it costs what it costs to get the view I like and the experiences of life that I enjoy. That's what money is for, and somehow I always seem to have enough.
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