FAA response to shutdown on Annuals other calendar items

Some young healthy families could literally starve as a result of lost work, panic, and hoarding. Your quarantine might mean they die - how is that acceptable? People have to make decisions and while we should each do unto others as we would have done unto us, you have to respect that you don't know their circumstances and sanctimonious anger towards their doing what they need to do isn't attractive.
Figures! to hell with every one else.
@Warmi is not saying anything like that. He is saying that he plans to take precautions and go about his business as best he can. If he is not infected, to his knowledge, that seems a reasonable approach. Many of us work in industries that are 24x7x365. Shutdowns in my workplace are extremely difficult/expensive to recover from, and there need to be specialists here to keep the systems running. There are many things we can do to prevent the spread of this virus, short of staying home.
I should be able to get maintenance done and have my plane pulled out/fueled without any human contact, just a phone call. Obviously I can fly without anyone else there, instruction would be a problem as would $100 hamburger flights but other than that I can go fly and maintain quarantine easily.
Regarding the California order, there's more to go on than the super broad federal list of critical infrastructure sectors. If you go to https://covid19.ca.gov/stay-home-except-for-essential-needs/ there is a link to the current list of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers (http://covid19.ca.gov/img/EssentialCriticalInfrastructureWorkers.pdf). From that document, here are all Essential Workforce entries dealing with aviation:

• Employees who repair and maintain vehicles, aircraft, rail equipment, marine vessels, and the equipment and infrastructure that enables operations that encompass movement of cargo and passengers
• Air transportation employees, including air traffic controllers, ramp personnel, aviation security, and aviation management
• Workers who support the maintenance and operation of cargo by air transportation, including flight crews, maintenance, airport operations, and other on- and off- airport facilities workers

Also, regarding comments that this isn't really an "order" and is just a set of guidelines or recommendations, that's incorrect. Violating the order is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $1000 fine or 6 months in jail. Are they going to arrest people? Of course not. But it is indeed an order with the force of law behind it. The order has references to the relevant state code sections.
What don't you understand about "ALL".
Oops! The Post-It-Note that says "Don't argue with Tom-D" fell off my monitor. There we go, all better now.
Is it every one or everyone?

Definition of everyone
: every person : EVERYBODY
Everyone laughed at her joke.
Not everyone finished their meal

From Grammerly

Everyone (one word) should be used when referring to all the people within a group. A good way to remember this is to note that the pronoun everyone may be replaced by everybody. ... Every one (two words) should be used when referring to each individual member of a group.