Touchdown! Greaser!
Got this from the FAA; did you get a form? If you didn't, but own an aircraft, I'd be interested in knowing if the survey site will let you take the survey; you have to enter your N-number to start.
If you own an aircraft and received a form in the mail in early June for FAA’s 32nd annual GA and Part 135 Activity Survey, please consider taking the time to complete it. The information collected in this survey helps the FAA understand more about GA activities, assess GA’s impact on the National Airspace System (NAS), and determine the need for increased traffic facilities and services. The survey also helps the FAA prepare accurate estimates of aviation safety and uses the data collected to calculate GA fatal accident rates.
In addition to mailing in the survey, selected aircraft owners can also complete it online at http://www.aviationsurvey.org. Use your aircraft N-number to login. Names and information submitted with the survey are kept strictly confidential and will not be published or released in any format that would reveal specific information of the participant.