Tied Down
No it's not, at least for those of us not lucky enough to have the R/STOL mod like you do - I fly final at 80 mph (69 knots) in the 182 at gross. Pull the power to idle at the beginning of the roundout and with 40 degrees of flaps out she slows down just about perfectly.
Hmm, my regular (non-Robertson) POH for the 182P says full flap power-off stall speed in CAS at Max Gross is 50 knots. No flap, 56.
50 * 1.3 = 65
56 * 1.3 = 72
And there's folks here talking about using 1.2 instead of 1.3 on non-gusty days...
50 * 1.2 = 60
56 * 1.2 = 67.2
And those numbers are at max gross, and CAS. Lighter and IAS would be slower.
61 indicated for approach for 1.3, and about 55 indicated for 1.2 just interpolating from the CAS/IAS chart real quick here. Or in your MPH marked bird, that'd be 70.2 mph for 1.3 VS0 and 63 mph for 1.2.
Other supporting data points from the C-182P POH that relate to this "people fly the 182 too fast" habit:
- White arc starts at 48, Green arc at 53...
- Maximum performance (again, non Robertson, no STOL) takeoff, is 57 knots 50 feet in the air, accelerating to 59 at Sea Level for best angle, and 63 at 10,000' DA for best angle. (You will watch pilot passenger's butts pucker if you show them a 57 knot takeoff in a non-STOL 182.)
- Again those are CAS numbers above. Converting to IAS makes them LOWER.
I still say 80 mph indicated... is still too fast for the approach in the 182. Even without STOL.
Do I fly mine that fast down final often? Sure... the barn doors bleed it off so well you can get away with it. But it's not 1.2 or 1.3 VS0.