Exprimental Engrish

didja email the webmaster about the spelling error?

Sure is a pretty airplane, though!

Troy Whistman said:

Guess the spell checker didn't work! :-) The new jet from Honda is "Exprimental"

AOPA Pilot's new issue (in the mail to us now) cover story is about this plane:


A few years ago one of the small airports in NC held a fly in. It was hosted by the local EAA chapter. My friend was in charge of getting the coozies made. I asked him why they had XAA printed on them. He said he told them it was for the experimental aircraft association. Didn't check them until he got to the fly in that day. You figure it out :D
terzap said:
didja email the webmaster about the spelling error?

Sure is a pretty airplane, though!


Nope! If I had him change it, you wouldn't have gotten to see it! ;-) :rofl:
Dave Krall CFII said:
Those new exprimental Honda Jets rook nice, but could still have a frame out !

I really admire multi-lingual people. It is a real accomplishment.

Over the years of listening to many and varied strong accents, I fancy myself as quite a good listener to those using English as a second language, and I enjoy accents as a flavoring of intercultural discourse.

Particularly interesting was when I observered an Asian, fluent in English that was WRITING a construction work order for framing up a house floorplan. They instructed that it be "flamed up". Now, I have heard Asians claim they can not pronounce "L" which I never really bought, because I have actually heard them pronounce it but, to actually see it mis-written lends some insight into the cerebral depths that these types of language patterns exist.