This discussion has gotten way off topic, but I will add something that bothers me about record keeping. You always hear people talking about logbook entries. I watched a video that very clearly explained what is a major versus minor alteration and what requires a 337 and what doesn't, and at the end, he said, then you have to make a logbook entry about the modification. I have looked and can't find any reference to a logbook in the FAR's. I may not have looked far enough, but I haven't seen it. They refer to maintenance records. How in the world is a 337 not an entry in the maintenance records. Yes, most planes have logbooks, and I always give my customers and entry because that is what they want, but there is nowhere that I can find that would require on as long as the information needed is in a 337 form or other records of a modification. Maybe I am completely missing something, but I haven't found a basis for people always saying it requires a logbook entry.