Experienced CFIs Available in Jacksonville, FL


Filing Flight Plan
Apr 9, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
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Meredith Holladay
Hello everyone! This is Meredith Holladay. My husband, Dana, and I are flight instructors who recently relocated to Jacksonville, FL from the Washington, DC area. We are in the process of securing office space at Jacksonville Executive / Craig Airport (CRG) and wanted to introduce ourselves to those of you who fly in this area.

Dana and I have collectively logged more than 9,000 hours, yet we are not in this business to build time. We are not seeking airline jobs. We do this because we are passionate about general aviation and love to teach people how to fly. We care about our students and take customer service very seriously.

We plan to have a nice IFR-capable trainer online within the next month (see my post in the Classifieds section) but until then we'd welcome the opportunity to fly with some of you in your airplane. If you need a flight review or IPC, or perhaps just need to brush off some rust or hone your skills (tailwheel or tricycle gear), please give us a call!

We look forward to meeting you!

Meredith 301-996-8883
Dana 240-274-9477
Welcome to Jacksonville! One of my most frustrating experiences when I moved here was the fact that when I needed a flight review or instrument check, I would get some wet-behind-the-ears instructor who had nothing to offer except an FAA-approved signature on the line in the logbook. You are a most welcome addition.
Welcome to JAX Meredith. I fly out of CRG. Let us know when you get settled. Could use an instrument tune up.

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Hello and welcome to Jacksonville, FL. I'm local and work at St. Augustine FL as a CFI.