expensicve mistake

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The airplane I usually fly has already tasted blood once, I wouldn't want to tempt it again by futzing with the prop.

I work with someone who is a retired Lt. Col. in the Army reserves. He said they began briefing the new tank crews something like: "This tank is multimillion dollar piece of equipment designed and manufactured to do one thing: kill. And it doesn't give *%$! who it kills."
How about using a checklist? They work really really well....and are really really inexpensive. BUT, it takes DISCIPLINE....

Now THERES an idea;)

Between the checklist, the beacon always on, and a final check as I have a knee board that I enter the hobbs times on after shutdown (also has my fuel burn and amount remaining per tank on it).

Despite all this, I often turn the car around 20 seconds after leaving hangar row to make DOUBLE sure the lock on the hangar actually clicked:lol:
Had to prop start my airplane today and I didn't even leave the master on!!

Of course, there's no master because there's no battery. Which is why there's no starter. Which is why I had to prop start it.

I've been taught how to hand prop, and have done it.

I have a simple rule, if it has a starter USE IT! If it doesn't work FIX IT! Now if I have to fly it to fix it or the natives are coming you bet I'll be out there flipping the prop, but otherwise I think I'll skip hand propping things with starters.
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