Europe: UK to Elba (Italy), Croatia, Kastelorizo (Greece)


Line Up and Wait
Sep 24, 2007
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Here's a new trip writeup on a recent trip to Elba and the subsequent trip to Greece, going as far as the tiny island of Kastelorizo

The videos still need to be done; that will take me some days :)

Most of it was done under IFR, with a couple of short low level legs in Greece under VFR.

Enjoy, and be thankful that flying around the US is still relatively easy :)
This is the last video from the trip to Elba and Greece.
Kastelorizo LGKJ to Ioanina LGIO (fuel stop) to Brac LDSB.
Spectacular 0400 UTC sunrise departure from Kastelorizo.
A good sound track too :)

Compelling stuff! Deeply envious of your jaunts, and confounded at the degree of complication imposed (without logic?) on GA flight within Europe.

Again, as I'm unlikely to fly in Europe (will never say, "never"), your narratives are a fine substitute. Thanks for them.
Nice video, thanks for the tour!
confounded at the degree of complication imposed (without logic?) on GA flight within Europe.

The logic from the politicians (and majority of the deeply dull population) is: "People should have no need to travel so freely and without control. We must stop it".

The US is moving steadily in that direction.
Europe is not generally anti GA.

They just don't make any special provision for it, as in supporting a national transport infrastructure, which is what the US has done, and continues to do via the way the FAA is funded and in turn funds many airports.

And a lot of airport "managers" have allowed handling companies to set up who in turn rip off the "small people".

What keeps the whole thing going round nicely, in "GA" terms, is bizjets and their clients who - in most cases - pay any money without a quibble. That is "traditional aviation" as it has always been. If you fly a bizjet and pay $1k everywhere you land, everything usually works nicely.

The far south of Europe, notably Spain, Italy and Greece, tends to be less well organised on top of all that. The nearer you get to Africa the more they like the paperwork :)