Eskimo Pilot

Vince Schuerch

Filing Flight Plan
Mar 11, 2021
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Learning to fly and I enjoy it and looking forward to it. I apologize for asking for a hand out. I was just depressed really bad. anxiety and depression is real. Learning to fly really helps me and calms me down.
good news is i'll have a 172 with a 0 time engine with a new interior new radio w/audio panel and a new transponder. new panel with throttle and mixture and carb heat controls. All in all its going to be awesome. Thank you for all your comments. I realize that its expensive.
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I didn't do any research and bought some stocks that tanked afterward and I'm down a few grand on them. Just wondering, should I start a GoFundMe to beg for money so I can get other people to pay for my mistakes?
Sorry for your troubles but its really a case for "Me Fund Me" to handle. You've chosen a very expensive yet optional activity, nobody else should have to support it.

(from an ordinary working stiff who's working OT to pay for instruction and totally upgrading a plane at the same time)
I bought a 1963 Cessna 172E. Almost a year ago. On its ferry flight from Colorado to Alaska the engine decided to poop out oil.
I had the engine overhauled and gone through with a fine tooth comb. 21k on the engine after buying the plane hurts. later the airframe was found to have severe corrosion. The guy I bought it from in Colorado had done the inspection and appraisal. Well I guess his buddy did it because “a little “ corrosion was sprayed. Now the seller blocked me on his phone and emails.
I know I know. I heard it all by now. Lesson learned.
I have a GoFundMe page and would really appreciate you taking a look at it.
The title is
Student pilot taken advantage of
Thank you for your help and time.

Give us his phone number and email. We’ll harass him for you
Give us his phone number and email. We’ll harass him for you
Thank you for offering but I think he has to live with himself and thats enough pain. He’ll realize someday what he did and stop laughing.
Like Mom said... "Time wounds all heels". Karma, if you choose to look at it that way. You reap what you sow... and so on. We have to be content with the fact that it's usually not us that get to stick it to someone who stuck it to us, cosmic payback is seldom that rewarding.

As for your monetary losses, every lesson comes with a tuition payment. You'll be much, much better educated the next time around... right?
You are correct sir. Thank you for that. Enjoy your day.
Hope this is a joke but I’m afraid it’s not. However, if you are serious I will add this to my list of unbelievable things I have witnessed in life. No way in hell would I be able to ask someone else to help pay for my mistakes especially related to aviation. Part of aircraft ownership is to be able to feed the addiction including repairs as need whether the engine makes it 300 hrs or 3000 hrs. Unless I read this wrong you let the guy who sold you the plane do the inspection?

All that said, I’m sorry you had this happen and hope the POS that took advantage of you learns about karma real soon.

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Unless I read this wrong you let the guy who sold you the plane do the inspection?
That is the way I understood it as well and if that is the case, I’d bet there wasn’t any kind of inspection performed.

Situations like these are unfortunate, but happen, as witnessed here. I surmise the problem is that the individuals who have very little knowledge with aviation, assume it’s much like buying a used car. The lesson learned here, would be the importance of finding someone who has the knowledge and experience that can help guide you through the buying process. That is not to say you’d totally avoid problems like this, but the odds for it would be substantially reduced.

There’s a lot of red flags as I see with this situation and the seller certainly knew what he was doing when he took advantage of our unsuspecting OP. Sorry it happened!
I still say the OP should out the guy who did this, so he is less likely to do it to someone else. Karma can use a helping hand now and again.
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Very sorry to hear about this my friend. As you can see the Go Fund Me effort has turned out to not be totally popular, shall we say, but everyone's sympathy is certainly with you regarding the lemon you were sold. Depending on the amount of financial loss you suffered, you may want to consider filing a small claims action against that individual through the Alaska court system. As long as you properly serve him with the papers (which may cost you a fee of a hundred bucks or so), if he then fails to respond, you may end up with a default judgment in your hands for the amount sought.

Important: a default judgment is just a piece of paper, not money. However, you could at your option then pursue additional options to use that judgment as a tool to *possibly* get some portion of your money back. At the very worst, you would at least have a judgment that will sit on the dude's credit report for many years.
I didn't do any research and bought some stocks that tanked afterward and I'm down a few grand on them. Just wondering, should I start a GoFundMe to beg for money so I can get other people to pay for my mistakes?

...No way in hell would I be able to ask someone else to help pay for my mistakes especially related to aviation. ...
The government bails out people/corporations from their mistakes/behaviors on a grand scale, even often rewarding them as long as select swampers get their slice. And they do it with our money. As a population we have been long trained to expect someone else to bail us out of and pay for our own mistakes.

To the OP, you know have a fine aircraft in which you have confidence. The way you got it sucks, but now you have it. Congratulations on your training. Where are you training? Keep us informed as to your progress, and don't let the negative reaction to your GoFundMe chase you away.
I also see that OP is a Marine and a vet who served in the Gulf. Thanks for your service, buddy. I hope you are able to recover from this bad experience soon.
I filled my tanks with AV gas flew around a couple hours and you will not believe this, IT WAS GONE!

So I set up a go fund me.

Airplanes are expensive and really so when you buy one and don't really know what you are getting into.
Very sorry to hear about this my friend. As you can see the Go Fund Me effort has turned out to not be totally popular, shall we say, but everyone's sympathy is certainly with you regarding the lemon you were sold. Depending on the amount of financial loss you suffered, you may want to consider filing a small claims action against that individual through the Alaska court system. As long as you properly serve him with the papers (which may cost you a fee of a hundred bucks or so), if he then fails to respond, you may end up with a default judgment in your hands for the amount sought.

Important: a default judgment is just a piece of paper, not money. However, you could at your option then pursue additional options to use that judgment as a tool to *possibly* get some portion of your money back. At the very worst, you would at least have a judgment that will sit on the dude's credit report for many years.

Thank you so much. i will take that into consideration