Envoy embraces LGBT equality! Please Read

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I agree 100%.

The whole point I was trying to make by posting to this thread is that, 1. yes, times are changing and the LGBTQ community is becoming more accepted and that is a good thing; 2. I’m a gay aviation professional and can confirm that there is still a lot of animosity against the LGBTQ community, and aviation is not exempt from that; and 3. Yes, even as a gay person, I agree the OP is being a little over the top.

None of those things are mutually exclusive.
I guess I was just hopeful the op being over the top was leading to some of the reactions we see here.
I guess I was just hopeful the op being over the top was leading to some of the reactions we see here.

Completely understood.

FWIW, I am enjoying the meaningful and mature dialogue that many here have engaged in. Thanks man. We all get too few trips around the big fireball in the sky. It’s worth it to ourselves to do what we can to be happy while we are here.
Weird, I do not seem to mind in the least if someone mentions how they identify in LGBT terms *shrug*

I guess maybe I empathize with the fact that for most of history, they'd be blacklisted, assaulted, etc for saying so, and now they take pride in the fact that it can be freely stated.

It's only an issue if you make it one ;)
Weird, I do not seem to mind in the least if someone mentions how they identify in LGBT terms *shrug*

I guess maybe I empathize with the fact that for most of history, they'd be blacklisted, assaulted, etc for saying so, and now they take pride in the fact that it can be freely stated.

It's only an issue if you make it one ;)
Funny how no one had issues with the “Hi I’m from Texas” thread. In that thread the poster explicitly mentioned being from Texas, being a former housewife, having kids and a husband. Following the logic of some on this thread, why should that poster come in and shove their texan identity and their straight identity in everyone’s face if it is irrelevant?

To be very clear, I have absolutely no issue with the “Hi from Texas” thread, I’m just noting the difference in reaction between that thread and this one and the absurdity of the disparity.
I’m going to disagree with that a little bit. I can confirm that there are a certain number of pilots on the airfield/at the job site that will treat you differently in a negative way when you tell them you are gay… or at least that has happened to me. I don’t advertise that I’m gay and when most people meet me, they assume I am straight; I don’t act like they think a gay person should act like. Typically the way they find out is they ask if I am married, and I tell them no but I am gay and live with my life partner. I feel if they are going ask a personal question such as about marriage, then they deserve an honest answer as they are probably gauging an interest in friendship. I’d say a good 70% of people simply respond with “oh cool” and we carry on with the conversation, but around 30% get really quiet, and find someway to end the conversation and leave. Good riddance…I don’t need them in my life. I’m too old for childish drama. I will add though, that of the other 70%, many, if not most, will add something to the effect of “that’s awesome man. You all should join my wife and I for dinner/drinks/a flight sometime” and they genuinely mean it. 20 years ago, most men would not have done that for fear of being accused of being gay themselves; times are changing though.
Then please ‘ignore’ me. I am the 30% or more. What you have sex with is your business. I have acquaintances who are gay. I was ok with the live and let live but then it became more of ‘you and your children must embrace my choices or you are a bigot, hater, etc. why must your choices be my choices?
Then please ‘ignore’ me. I am the 30% or more. What you have sex with is your business. I have acquaintances who are gay. I was ok with the live and let live but then it became more of ‘you and your children must embrace my choices or you are a bigot, hater, etc. why must your choices be my choices?
Just curious - what exactly did you have to change? What do you mean by "my choices"?
Funny how no one had issues with the “Hi I’m from Texas” thread. In that thread the poster explicitly mentioned being from Texas, being a former housewife, having kids and a husband. Following the logic of some on this thread, why should that poster come in and shove their texan identity and their straight identity in everyone’s face if it is irrelevant?

To be very clear, I have absolutely no issue with the “Hi from Texas” thread, I’m just noting the difference in reaction between that thread and this one and the absurdity of the disparity.
Because I never met a Texan that I didn’t like
Then please ‘ignore’ me. I am the 30% or more. What you have sex with is your business. I have acquaintances who are gay. I was ok with the live and let live but then it became more of ‘you and your children must embrace my choices or you are a bigot, hater, etc. why must your choices be my choices?

I didn't see the part where OP asked you to gargle a shaft or two against your will. What choice were you asked to embrace? I have so many different "lines" that I divide people into, this is just one of them. You ain't his people, he ain't yours, identifying this early saves wear and tear on the social muscles.

also, sigh, IBT imminent L.
Funny how no one had issues with the “Hi I’m from Texas” thread. In that thread the poster explicitly mentioned being from Texas, being a former housewife, having kids and a husband. Following the logic of some on this thread, why should that poster come in and shove their texan identity and their straight identity in everyone’s face if it is irrelevant?

To be very clear, I have absolutely no issue with the “Hi from Texas” thread, I’m just noting the difference in reaction between that thread and this one and the absurdity of the disparity.
That argument is pretty hollow and unconvincing, and since you used the word, absurd. I can think of at least three major disparate faith traditions that would consider the OP’s statements to be an issue of morality. None of those major faiths would make an issue of a person’s geography.
That argument is pretty hollow and unconvincing, and since you used the word, absurd. I can think of at least three major disparate faith traditions that would consider the OP’s statements to be an issue of morality. None of those major faiths would make an issue of a person’s geography.
Yes, the major religions have a great record when it comes to being perfectly tolerant of each other
Most people don't care if you are LGBTQ but im not sure who's worse, vegans or the 'we do sex/gender different' crowd.

Idgaf who you sleep with or what you wear, but i am sick of people telling me their preference and why i should 'accept it'. Here's a LPT i don't have to accept it. Ever. I will treat you as a human being because as i said, idgaf.

But you talk to my children about sex or your lifestyle then its gonna get really interesting really fast.
I'm just going to leave this here... :D

Someday you’ll go far. And I really hope you stay there.

Remember that time you were saying that thing I didn’t care about? Yeah, that is now.

You’re the reason God created the middle finger.

I’m busy right now, can I ignore you another time?

Oh, you don’t like being treated the way you treat me? That must suck.

I wish I had a flip phone, so I could slam it shut on this conversation.

I’ve been called worse things by better men.

You’re a gray sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake.

Your secrets are always safe with me. I never even listen when you tell me them.

You bring everyone so much joy! You know, when you leave the room. But, still.

How many licks until I get to the interesting part of this conversation?

Keep rolling your eyes, you might eventually find a brain.

Your face makes onions cry.

If your brain was dynamite, there wouldn’t be enough to blow your hat off.

You are more disappointing than an unsalted pretzel.

It’s impossible to underestimate you.

I’ll never forget the first time we met. But I’ll keep trying.

Oh, I’m sorry. Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?

Hold still. I’m trying to imagine you with personality.

I’m not insulting you, I’m describing you.

You are like a cloud. When you disappear, it’s a beautiful day.

You have an entire life to be an idiot. Why not take today off?

Your face is just fine, but we’ll have to put a bag over that personality.

I’m not a nerd. I’m just smarter than you.

I may love to shop but I will never buy your bull.

I’m an acquired taste. If you don’t like me, acquire some taste.

Don’t worry, the first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest.

If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty.

I thought of you today. It reminded me to take out the trash.

I forgot the world revolves around you. My apologies, how silly of me.

Light travels faster than sound which is why you seemed bright until you spoke.

Somewhere out there is a tree tirelessly producing oxygen for you. You owe it an apology.

You have miles to go before you reach mediocre.

I’m glad to see you’re not letting education get in the way of your ignorance.

If I wanted to kill myself, I would climb to your ego and jump to your IQ.

I’d agree with you but then we’d both be wrong.

You are proof that evolution can go in reverse.

Isn’t it dangerous to use your whole vocabulary in one sentence?

If I had a dollar for every time you said something smart, I’d be broke.

I would prefer a battle of wits, but you appear unarmed.

I’m jealous of all the people who haven’t met you.

I find the fact that you’ve lived this long both surprising and disappointing.

Somewhere, somehow, you are robbing a village of their idiot.

I don’t know what your problem is, but I’m guessing it’s hard to pronounce.

Stupidity isn’t a crime, so you’re free to go.

The people who tolerate you on a daily basis are the real heroes.

I am returning your nose. I found it in my business.

You’re about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.

If I said anything to offend you it was purely intentional.
Most people don't care if you are LGBTQ but im not sure who's worse, vegans or the 'we do sex/gender different' crowd.

Idgaf who you sleep with or what you wear, but i am sick of people telling me their preference and why i should 'accept it'. Here's a LPT i don't have to accept it. Ever. I will treat you as a human being because as i said, idgaf.

But you talk to my children about sex or your lifestyle then its gonna get really interesting really fast.
Tesla owners

Also... Who's talking to your kids about sex? o_O
My straight friends seem more obsessed over the subject than my gay ones (at least in my presence)
Yes, the major religions have a great record when it comes to being perfectly tolerant of each other
But funny how they tend to agree on basic stuff like being against theft, murder, and other things categorized as moral issues.
But funny how they tend to agree on basic stuff like being against theft, murder, and other things categorized as moral issues.
Those theiving, murderous LGBT folk, am I right? :mad::mad:
For the record, while I believe that this is a serious cultural issue, being in Dallas, I would also sit down and eat a meal with Matthew if he was looking to meet some local pilots.
Here's a LPT i don't have to accept it. Ever. I will treat you as a human being because as i said, idgaf.

Isn't "treat you as a human being" the exact acceptance being sought here? And I think specifically "no different from any other human being, even after learning <whatever persuasion of the week they are on whichever contentious topic we're on about today>" ?

This might be at the heart of it. What do you NOT accept exactly here, in stomped hoof fashion?

I actually never thought of people who announce "I'm from Texas" as being an analogue here. I'm going to loudly complain that those Texans are always shoving their statehood in my face when they introduce themselves and I don't have to accept it. Like is there nothing else interesting they can say about themselves? :D
Hey, everyone, I am going out to dinner with my significant other. I would say my wife but…
Anyway, it is a tiny Italian place that you need to make reservations weeks in advance.
What? Nobody cares about the minutia of the very important me. ☹️
Darn, maybe I should get that facebook account after all.
Funny, I’ve met lots but I don’t tell them to be quiet about being from texas.
Apparently you haven't met enough of them. When being from Texas is the only thing that defines someone, it becomes a bit much. As is the case here.
Apparently you haven't met enough of them. When being from Texas is the only thing that defines someone, it becomes a bit much. As is the case here.
I'm a sixth gen Texan and I approve of this message. It can get waaaay over the top at times.

Ducking for having said that...
i am sick of people telling me their preference and why i should 'accept it'.
You are an a-hole and narrow minded flaming bigot, what a warm welcome you have given. I hope your kids will get out from under your roof one day and are able to change their worldview from what you’ve instilled in them.
Is there someway that I can download this. I am not smart enough to memorize it all.

I wanted to send it as a pm, but couldn't figure out how to upload the file. Enjoy teasing everyone in your life and don't tell any of them you got this through me! :D


Funny how no one had issues with the “Hi I’m from Texas” thread. In that thread the poster explicitly mentioned being from Texas, being a former housewife, having kids and a husband. Following the logic of some on this thread, why should that poster come in and shove their texan identity and their straight identity in everyone’s face if it is irrelevant?

To be very clear, I have absolutely no issue with the “Hi from Texas” thread, I’m just noting the difference in reaction between that thread and this one and the absurdity of the disparity.
That is quite funny. Talk about a double standard in this society.
You are an a-hole and flaming bigot, what a warm welcome you have given. I hope your kids will get out from under your roof one day and are able to change their worldview from what you’ve instilled in them.

I am a little disappointed you didn't use one of my creative insults! Those insults are so outdated and overused, they don't mean much anymore. Also, there's a "no personal attacks" rule on this board, and that's pretty personal in response to someone who wasn't personally insulting you but just stating their feelings and opinions. If you're allowed to have your feelings, we're allowed to have ours, even if they offend you. You hold some opinions that are pretty offensive to me, too, but I am not going to call you names because I disagree with you. Please keep it classy!

I am a little disappointed you didn't use one of my creative insults! Those insults are so outdated and overused, they don't mean much anymore. Also, there's a "no personal attacks" rule on this board, and that's pretty personal in response to someone who wasn't personally insulting you but just stating their feelings and opinions. If you're allowed to have your feelings, we're allowed to have ours, even if they offend you. You hold some opinions that are pretty offensive to me, too, but I am not going to call you names because I disagree with you. Please keep it classy!

I’m really getting tired of this. I’ve read enough of your posts to realize that you’re nothing but a narrow minded little woman, who doesn’t understand the world.
Most people don't care if you are LGBTQ but im not sure who's worse, vegans or the 'we do sex/gender different' crowd.

Idgaf who you sleep with or what you wear, but i am sick of people telling me their preference and why i should 'accept it'. Here's a LPT i don't have to accept it. Ever. I will treat you as a human being because as i said, idgaf.

But you talk to my children about sex or your lifestyle then its gonna get really interesting really fast.
I could lump the hard core religious folk into that same category.
I’m really getting tired of this. I’ve read enough of your posts to realize that you’re nothing but a narrow minded little woman, who doesn’t understand the world.

I'm honored that you've read my posts! Thank you for taking the time to consider them! :) As I am also often attacked by people who think that parts of who I am are offensive, I can understand your ire at the moment, but I've found that it helps to try to figure out what exactly is bothering me about what people say about me. Sometimes, it helps me realize that I need to open my eyes a little, and sometimes, I realize I'm just being too sensitive. I wish you luck in your search for fellow pilots that share your life decisions, and I hope you have many more fun flying stories and experiences!
I'm honored that you've read my posts! Thank you for taking the time to consider them! :) As I am also often attacked by people who think that parts of who I am are offensive, I can understand your ire at the moment, but I've found that it helps to try to figure out what exactly is bothering me about what people say about me. Sometimes, it helps me realize that I need to open my eyes a little, and sometimes, I realize I'm just being too sensitive. I wish you luck in your search for fellow pilots that share your life decisions, and I hope you have many more fun flying stories and experiences!

Well there's a lesson in teflon cheek-turning and adequate skin-thickness that our OP could learn from.

While I thought there would be an interesting discussion (or entertaining flame war) to come from the ashes of this trainwreck, I'm now out of sympathy with OP, who seems just as bigoted as those he's decrying.
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