No interest in getting into a debate on where this came from, but definitely concerned about this virus.
As a mom, this is showing up all over my newsfeeds and what I read online. Like 6PC said, I think it's based on who you follow. I follow my kids' pediatrician's office on FB (they are part of Cook Children's), and they have posted 3 articles on enterovirus in the last month or so. According to an MD in their practice, for "almost all children, enterovirus D68 causes mild runny nose and cough and that our biggest complication is the progression towards wheezing." There have been kids that are showing paralysis and some who have died, but the explanation on those don't seem to be clear-cut enough to say it was solely caused by enterovirus. Meaning, of the 10 kids in CO with paralysis, only 4 tested positive for enterovirus. That being said, what the hell is paralyzing these children?!?
I agree that lots of medical research needs to go into figuring out what is going on here, whether it is enterovirus or something else. I do believe research is being done, even if CNN and other news sources aren't necessarily showing a huge amount of public outrage. I see plenty (not outrage, but definite concern) on my newsfeed and in my little pocket of parentland.
Here are the links from our doctor's office:
FYI, these aren't medical journals, just articles written for parents.